Oak Hill Academy Policy Manual

Academic Support Oak Hill provides support so that students may learn habits of excellence and develop to their fullest potential. In addition to daily advising and a hands-on approach from faculty and staff, assistance is made available through these tools: 8 th Period is offered Monday through Friday to all students as needed or desired. 8 th Period may be utilized by any student seeking enhanced understanding or enrichment in a class, and may be mandated by a teacher at his/her discretion. Students earning below a ā€œCā€ in any class at the interim of any quarter shall be required to immediately begin attending 8 th Period with the teacher of record for that class. Peer Tutoring is available to students who find themselves in need of additional tutorial assistance. Peer Tutors are approved by the faculty and assigned through the Counseling Office. Applied Learning Skills/Lab is an elective course for credit that incorporates teacher-directed lessons addressing test-taking strategies, organization, and homework completion. Quiet Time begins at 8:30 each school night in the residence halls. Students are required to be in their rooms, or in some cases in a supervised study area. The purpose is to provide a structured approach to studying. Quiet Time is monitored by the Resident Life staff.


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