Oak Hill Academy Policy Manual


Oak Hill Academy’s Educational Philosophy The faculty at Oak Hill adheres to a teaching philosophy promoting “A Student-Centered Classroom.” We believe that students benefit from an enriched classroom experience that includes order, predictability and fairness. We help each student maximize their potential by minimizing obstacles and orchestrating an environment that includes free exchange. The rules, regulations, and policies we employ throughout each school day help us to create an optimal atmosphere for learning. Our schedule and daily routine provide a foundation for the teaching techniques that we utilize. Oak Hill Academy expects all members of our student body and the learning community at large to respect our rules and requirements. Our faculty is committed to helping students develop new study skills and build academic confidence. We acknowledge the need for high levels of accountability in order to cultivate diligence in our students, therefore we meet all academic shortcomings with a respectful, nurturing mindset and positive encouragement. We expect all students to reciprocate through words and action.


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