Oak Hill Academy Policy Manual

Graduation Dress • Senior boys may choose to wear Sunday Church Dress or suits of their own. All attire must be approved by the Dean of Boys. • Senior girls must wear a black dress and black shoes for the end-of-year activities/graduation. • The dress must have sleeves, may not be backless, strapless, made of thin material, low cut or have a slit above the knee, and must be at least knee length. (It is acceptable to use a sleeveless dress with a black jacket or black sweater.) All dresses must be approved by the Dean of Girls. • The first time Graduation Dress and shoes are worn is the Sunday prior to Baccalaureate. They are also worn for Baccalaureate, the Academy Awards Assembly, and Graduation. Off-Campus Dress • Students participating in a school-sponsored trip off campus are required to wear School Sports Dress or the appropriate athletic uniform, unless otherwise directed. Personal Appearance • The Administration reserves the right to determine what is appropriate or inappropriate regarding wearing apparel and personal appearance, if not already specifically referenced in this handbook. • Any variance to the dress code must be approved by the appropriate Dean. • Haircuts and hairstyles must avoid extremes. Hairstyles must be neat and clean in appearance. • Male haircuts must be off the shoulder and out of eyes. • Males may not wear head coverings with School Dress. • Males may not wear beads or other hair accessories. Girls may wear appropriate and approved hair accessories. • Males must be clean shaven (no beards, goatees, mustaches, or excessive side burns). Any exception for medical reasons must be approved by the school nurse. • Hats, hoods, and head coverings may not be worn inside any building other than the dormitory. • Students may not pierce their own or others’ ears or any other parts of the anatomy. • Males may not wear earrings or other pierced jewelry while in school or church, when wearing Church Dress, School Dress, or when wearing School Sports Dress. Subject to confiscation. • Girls may wear pierced jewelry only in their ears. If visible in other places, it will be confiscated.

• Students may not tattoo themselves or others. • No writing is permitted on arms, legs, etc.

• Students may not cut each other’s hair without prior approval of the appropriate Dean. • Inappropriate haircuts will prohibit a student from participating in any off-campus activities.


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