Oak Hill Academy Policy Manual 2024-2025


Dining Hall Guidelines • Students are expected to be polite and courteous to the Dining Hall staff. • Acceptable dress for the Dining Hall during breakfast, dinner and weekend meals prohibits midriff tops, sleeveless tops, low-cut tops, thin material pants and tops, halter tops or clothing deemed inappropriate by the Administration. • Volume should be kept to a reasonable level. Boisterous noises, loud talking, yelling across the dining hall and smacking the tables are not acceptable. • Students cutting line or leaving line will be sent to the end of the line. • If a spill occurs, it should be cleaned up by the person involved and the on-duty personnel notified. • To prevent congestion at the window when it is time for everyone to leave, please take your plate and related items to the dish room as soon as you finish eating, being careful not to throw bowls, cups, or utensils in the trash. Students may continue to socialize at the table until it is time to leave. Please leave your table clean and all chairs pushed in. • At the conclusion of breakfast and lunch, ALL students exit through the boys’ door. At the conclusion of the evening meal, the girls exit at the girls’ door and the boys exit at the boy’s door. STUDENTS ARE NOT TO ENTER OR EXIT THROUGH THE FACULTY DINING ROOM. • No food, drink or materials may be taken from the dining hall. This includes ice cream and fruit. • There should be only six chairs per table. Do not move chairs from other tables. • No laptops, cell phones, headphones, or other electronic device should be in use in the Dining Hall. • Hats, hoods, and head coverings must be removed upon entering the Dining Hall. Restricted Areas • Students are not allowed to leave the immediate campus area without permission. • Students may not take hikes without adult supervision. Trespassing is illegal. Violators are subject to: (1) prosecution by the land owner, and (2) disciplinary action by the Academy. • Campus is divided into a “Boys’ side” and a “Girls’ side.” The Administration building serves as the dividing point. Outside Vendors • Food deliveries and other services to students from outside (off-campus) vendors require permission from the Deans.


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