Oak Hill Academy Policy Manual 2024-2025
• More than 20 minutes late – make up time, one day lunch table restriction, Campus Store restriction, and after school Detention. *Infractions accumulate each semester Dress Code Policy All students are expected to report to class wearing the appropriate school dress uniform. Failure to report in the appropriate uniform may result in disciplinary action including*: • 1 st and 2 nd offenses – disciplinary infraction write-up. • 3 rd offense – disciplinary write-up, Campus Store restriction. • 4 th offense – disciplinary write-up, Campus Store restriction, after school Detention. • More than 4 offenses – refer to the Principal for further disciplinary action. *Infractions accumulate each semester Dress Down Saturdays • Dress Down Saturdays are Saturdays when students have earned the privilege of wearing Social Dress to Saturday school. • Additional incentives for the quarter and semester will be determined at the start of the new school year. The dates for Dress Down Saturdays will be announced throughout the year in homeroom. Technology Policy Integrating technology into the academic environment presents significant opportunities and challenges. Technology enhances learning by providing access to vast educational resources, fostering interactive and personalized learning experiences, and preparing students for a technology driven future. However, it also poses potential challenges such as distractions and increased anxiety from social media. Our technology policy aims to maximize the benefits of digital learning while limiting its drawbacks, ensuring a balanced, safe, and productive educational experience for all students. • Earbuds and headphones are not to be worn in the school building unless specifically directed by a teacher. • Students must follow all classroom technology policies. • Students must follow Oak Hill Academy’s Acceptable Use Policy for Technology. • Cellular phones or devices with data plans are not permitted in the school building and may be confiscated immediately. • Technology must be stored in the student's backpack unless specifically directed by faculty that technology can be used. • Failure to follow the technology policies at Oak Hill Academy is outlined in the 3 Strikes Technology Consequences.
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