Oak Hill Academy Policy Manual 2024-2025
Academic Support Academic Support is a cornerstone of our work at Oak Hill. It is designed to offer short-term and long-term value for students. Our immediate aim is to ensure that every student, regardless of specific learning style, is well supported and able to succeed in our classrooms. Beyond this, we encourage our students to develop habits of excellence that will serve them well beyond high school. Our three-tiered approach to academic support allows every student the resources they need to reach their academic goals. • First Tier o 8 th Period is offered Monday through Friday to all students as needed or desired. 8 th Period may be utilized by any student seeking enhanced understanding or enrichment in a class and may be mandated by a teacher at his/her discretion. Students earning below a “C” in any class at the interim of any quarter shall be required to immediately begin attending 8 th Period with the teacher of record for that class. o Quiet Time: Each school night, all students observe supervised Quiet Time in their respective dormitories. Quiet Time starts at 8:30 p.m. and provides structure to evening hours. During this time, students may utilize their rooms or designated study areas to complete schoolwork. Students who may need some assistance with coursework can participate in our student-led peer-study program, which is managed and supervised administratively. • Second Tier o Our second tier of Academic Support is available for students through enrollment in our “Applied Learning Skills.” This program meets daily. In the class, students focus on topics like self-advocacy, attentiveness, note-taking, organizational skills, time management, and homework completion. The course helps establish the fundamentals of student success by instilling healthy habits. • Third Tier o Specialized third-tier academic support is available through our Learning Lab, where a qualified Learning Specialist oversees student growth and development. The Specialist addresses each student’s specific support needs. o Students may be enrolled in the program based on prior documented needs, at the request of parents, or as an initial safeguard for newly enrolled students. o Our on-site Learning Specialist differentiates support efforts to meet individual students’ needs. The Learning Specialist also collaborates with classroom teachers daily, often suggesting beneficial accommodations. o Our Academic Support Team also offers specialized support for students with ADHD and other learning differences.
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