Ms. Cindy Kaufelt Retires
Ms. Cindy Kaufelt retired at the conclusion of the 2018 Summer Session following 27 years of service to Oak Hill Academy. During her tenure at the school Ms. Kaufelt, better known to the students as “Ms. K.,” served as a resident manager on the boys’ side of campus and as the Campus Store manager. Ms. Kaufelt made the Campus Store a welcome place for the students to gather each day. She knew every student by name. The students knew that Ms. K would try her best to make certain their favorite foods, drinks, and other essentials were available in the store. We extendaheartfelt “thankyou” toMs. K. for her invaluable service to OHA and wish her the best in her retirement!
In Memor iam Dr. Dennis Throckmorton Oak Hill Academy board member, Dr. Dennis Throckmorton, passed away suddenly on August 23, 2018. Dr. Throckmorton practiced dentistry in Wytheville, Virginia, for 38 years and was appointed to the OHA Board of Trustees in 2012.
We extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Dr. Dennis Throckmorton.
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