Nutcracker Program

The Orchestra of Virginia’s Blue Ridge Conducted by Dr. Wayne Gallops

VIOLIN Kevin Matheson, Concertmaster Vladimir Kromin , Principal

BASS Evan Musgrave, Principal

TRUMPET Jeff Kresge, Principal John Ouimette

FLUTE Julee Hickox, Principal

Second Violin Lowell Inhorn Fawn Kesselring Joshua Miao Shaleen Powell Finn Smith

TROMBONE Stefan Castro. Principal Michael Mangrum

Gabby Bryson Trenton Walker

PERCUSSION Sage Abueznaid, Principal Sylar Nichols

OBOE Meredith McCree, Principal Maggie Rahmoeller

VIOLA Brian Matheson, Principal Diane Conant Irene Ours

KEYBOARD Ashley Cundiff

CLARINET Michelle Smith Johnson, Principal Abraham Richard

CELLO Lee Richey, Principal

Candice Amick John Crawford

BASSOON Valanda Nelson

HORN Rachel Morgan Abbott, Principal Paul French

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