
Nate Turner

The Balance Between Right and Young

I hated those meetings. Actually, I didn’t hate the content. In fact, I loved those strategy and planning meetings, and the challenge of the organizational puzzle. I handle the puzzle well, seeing the pieces, and many times the solution easily. It’s one of the reasons I was in organizational strategy. No, I hated those meetings because I was young. I shared an idea in one of those meetings. It was a little out of the box, but it was a great solution to the problem. I championed it, stood by it, pushed it (maybe a little too hard). Eventually, my idea got thrown out. It just wasn’t right and didn’t fit the organization. A few years later, the same idea was presented by another member.The plan was cheered by the leadership, implemented right away, and succeeded. I don’t have to tell you what I was thinking. When I looked back, I came to a realization. Obviously, my idea wasn’t bad. In fact, it was the right option. So, why wasn’t it accepted? It was rejected because I was young. There was no age bias among my team; however, there was a trust bias. I hadn’t earned the trust to push my right answer through the planning phase. Trust is an earned commodity, and I was too young in the organization to have earned the trust required to be right. Today, I love those meetings. I’ve learned the balance between being right and being young. Back then, I wanted to be right, and I was. But I hadn’t been around long enough to

your good idea to die, and wins trust. I wish I had learned this lesson earlier. I felt I needed to win an argument to prove myself right. All I did was prove my immaturity. Humility is the better path. Be Consistent It takes time to be right. It’s simple, but not easy. You must take the time to earn trust.The most trusted people in your organization are the ones with the most history. Soon, that will be you, but you can’t rush it. You don’t earn trust overnight. You must be consistent in the long haul. Here is a one of the statements I live by: Time Always Wins.Time will tell the truth about your direction and ability. Time will bring out the best and worst in people. Time will give you the trust needed to be right. At the end of the day, the trust you earn while you are young will follow you throughout your career.Which is worth more to you right now, being right or creating a career lined with confidence? Being right or a leaving a legacy of humility? Being right or building a reputation of consistency? Only you get to make that choice. Nate Turner developed the CreativeGrid process out of his passion for creativity, intentionality, and strategy. He has devoted much of his life and ministry to investing in the lives of others through mentoring and serving currently on the pastoral staff at West Cobb Church in Marietta, GA.

be right.The faster you learn that balance, the better leader you’ll be. Do you feel underused or undervalued in those meetings? Do you feel like you keep hitting a wall with your ideas? You can stop that cycle. Here are three tips to the young for earning the trust required to be right. Be Confident You are right. There’s nothing wrong with that. You have enough knowledge and experience to solve the puzzle, or you wouldn’t be in the organization. There is a confidence that comes along with your position and knowledge. Go live that your role. Do your job well, work hard, and show your competence. If you are confident of your ability and prove your capability, your team will be confident they can trust you in the future to be right. Be Humble Your attitude toward being right makes all the difference to your team. Confidence with humility demands trust. Confidence without humility is simply arrogant entitlement. Humility makes confidence powerful, allowing your ability to speak for itself. Humility allows others to speak first, allows

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