
was why the housing, adult day care, caregiver services, and the magazine that evolved from the newsletter worked. It was consistent and renewable and provided revenue streams.The organization remained true to its mission and services were affordable, but many could pay and had resources to pay. The magazine became a major source of revenue from advertisers wishing to reach seniors. Get out of scarcity mentality. There are two other parts to stickability. The first is renewal. It is the responsibility of the leadership and board to periodically renew the plan. This process is aimed at keeping a 3-5 year rolling horizon in front of the organization, with a zealous staff bought into their role in fulfilling it. The senior organization, I worked with, now operates several assisted living centers, operates three freestanding adult day care centers in a hub- and-spoke model with many church affiliates, has a widely circulated glossy publication that readers and advertisers truly love, and has an often studied caregivers’ services support and education program. All generate revenue. All contribute to the future. All attract board, staff, and donors to their mission. The second part of stickability is renewal of the plans. We like to use the concept of the rear view mirror and the windshield, or what happened and why, and what is out in front of us, and how that adjusts our strategy. Strategy is a top-down bottom-up, top-down bottom-up continuous flow of thought about the direction of the organization. It is not an annual event to build a budget for the next year. Also within stickability, we talk about the importance of impact. This must be communicated over and over again! In today’s social media world, we can do this. People and dollars will join in when they see impact and a movement that they personally identify with that is breeding new grounds for meaningful success. Ed Bogle is a Strategic Planning Consultant, for more than 35 years, working with entrepreneurs to develop innovative solutions in market seizing strategy, implementation, and brand execution. Ed is a senior practice leader in Arthur Young’s, Ernst & Young, Southwest Strategic Management Consulting Practice. He works with nonprofits as a give back to their need for success in impacting our society in positive ways.

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