Nonprofit Performance 360 Issue 12

This works well with something that can be delivered in a group. A seminar, online course, book, product, monthly subscription, and more can all work. If it’s not limited by a person’s time, it’s a candidate for this kind of deal. Seminars and other live events are my favorite, because they create such memorable and lasting partnerships. Online courses are also a great choice to maximize revenue, speed, and delivery for everyone. We once did a seminar for a local nonprofit that serves kids who were at-risk and needed a leg up with training and a job. We used the organization’s name and credentials to go around to local businesses that could benefit from the training we were providing, and offered them a set of discounted tickets with a sponsorship donation. We then turned that seminar into not just a training event, but an apprentice program where each kid got paired up with an adult in a career they might like to be in. The whole event became an impromptu job

fair and many of the kids were hired by the companies that attended. There was great success all around. So, as a nonprofit, you get big windfalls of cash in the door for very little effort, your donors or partners get huge discounts and tax write-offs, your people get great information, help, and a lifelong partnership - and that’s not the best part! Here’s my secret for turning up the volume. This model works well when the triangle gets magnified by the media. Tell your story to the local news anchor or reporter. Have them run a story about how ACME is serving your people with huge donations. Have ACME run a great PR piece on you and how proud they are to invest in your for-purpose business. Send out the news in your newsletters and more.The world is hungry for good stories like this. I’ll warn you: this becomes addictive. It’s fun. You’re providing a great service to the companies you partner with, your donors (who often run companies you could do this with, hint-hint), and the people you

serve - not to mention supporting small businesses that have great information or services to offer to everyone involved. It’s the American Dream! Do good, serve the small-business backbone of our economy, reduce taxes, serve more people with donations, and spread more positive news out in the world so that we all can help each other instead of being divided. Your problem is my solution. No matter what your size, you can do this. There’s someone listed in your phone contacts right now who could use a discount on something they already want. There’s someone providing it who is willing to make a deal. Go make it happen! Or call me to find out more creative ways to help you and your nonprofit thrive. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Joe Homs is CEO of Guaranteed Growth ( https:// ), a strategic consulting company that guarantees revenue and profit growth for hand- selected clients, and a Partner at Your Charisma Coach ( ), a company that trains individuals and organizations to be more charismatic, charming, spontaneous, influential, and fun.

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