Newsletter EOY 2021
With the winter months progressing, we are once again in urgent need of vital supplies to keep RAM House and our clients safe and prepared on the streets. URGENT RAM HOUSE NEEDS LIST
Womens: Long Sleeve Shirts (All Sizes) Sweatshirts (All Sizes) Sweat Pants (All Sizes) Underwear (New/All Sizes)
SHELTER NEEDS • Razors • Toothbrushes • Large Gloves
KITCHEN NEEDS • Disposable gloves - M, L, XL • Dish soap • Paper lunch bags /take home bags • Plastic forks/spoons or utensil packets • Bottled water • Dish rags and dish towels • 3 comp. to-go conatiners 8“ or 9” Want to help with these items? Email: Call: 540-777-4099 • Hot pads or oven mitts • Heavy duty oven cleaner
Winter Coats (All Sizes) Warm Gloves (No Knit) Mens: Jeans (30-36W)
• Styro cups 6 or 8 oz • Plastic spoons / forks • Paper plates • Coffee • Sugar • Creamer Want to help with these items? Email: Call: 540-343-3753
Long Sleeve Shirts (All Sizes) Sweatshirts/Hoodies (All Sizes) Underwear Boxer/Brief (New/All Sizes)
Undershirts (All Sizes) Flannel Shirts (All Sizes) Sweat Pants (All Sizes) Warm Gloves (No Knit) Winter Coats (All Sizes) Backpacks
plarning sleeping mats
Ever wonder what it’s like to sleep on the cold hard ground in the middle of the night? These women did and did something about this crucial need for our clients. These Methodist women are from Halesford and Epworth United Methodist Church. These ladies have recently “plarned” sleeping mats for our clients. What is plarning, you may ask? It is the process of crocheting plastic mats out of plastic grocery bags for the homeless to use as a moisture, warmth, and comfort barrier between the ground and their sleeping bags. These women meticulously craft each mat, and it takes many hours per mat. Each mat takes approximately 375 grocery bags depending on their size. These women are a part of the #iamramfam team and we thank them all for continuing to see and meet the need daily. Thank you to the UMC women. We look forward to the plarned mats that are currently in production for RAM!
Sleeping bag mats created by the process of plarning
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