Newsletter EOY 2021
#IamRAMFAM CAMPAIGN RAM House has partnered with Wheeler Digital once again to get the word out! Once again, just as in 2020, RAM House has joined forces with Wheeler Digital to digitally outreach to past, present, and potential donors to encourage them to open up their pocket books for a great cause. This years campaign slogan is #IAMRAMFAM. It’s a modified version of our older tagline, #RAMFAM. It’s intent is to personify the message and to make us all a part of the family. We have a brand new commercial that is currently running across various social media platforms, streaming services, and even running as a 30 second Public Service Announcement. The full commercial is narrated by none other than our own Linda Harris, our wonderful shelter manager. The commercial starts by showing a wide range of people and personalities involved in activities at RAM House. It then fades to individual clients, staff, and volunteers holding up our #IAMRAMFAM sign signifying that they are part of the I AM RAM FAM team and persuading the viewer that they could be, too! Linda narrates the video and tries to convey unity by encouraging the audience to look in a mirror because, “the only difference between those people and the face staring back at you is one bad day.”
“There isn’t one type of person that we help here at the RAM House. They aren’t one color, they don’t all come from one place, they don’t all have the same story. Some are homeless, others are fighting to keep their homes. Some don’t have anyone to support them through this time, others are trying to support a family as best they can. If you have an image in mind of who the people are that we help at RAM, look in a mirror. Because the only difference between those people and the face staring back at you is one bad day. And no matter who they are, where they are, or how they got there, they deserve someone to help them. They deserve a family. Will you be that family? You Are RAMFAM. I am RAMFAM. The difference is just one day. Will you be that difference? Give Today.”
@R.A.M.Shelter @r.a.m_house
@ RamHouseRoanoke RAM House Roanoke Roanoke Area Ministries - RAM House
2019 Contributions $635,844 2020 Contributions $993,701 2019 Expenses $732,176 2020 Expenses $689,080
good neighbors fund We are full steam ahead with our Good Neighbors Fund campaign in 2021. Once again we are partnering with the Roanoke Times for the Good Neighbors Fund, and it is turning out to be an amazing success so far! This joint effort is a crucial fund-raiser for RAM House. It is the biggest revenue stream that helps the sustainability of our Emergency Financial Assistance Program. Life stories are covered in these articles, from decorated veterans, struggling single moms, former business owners who have fallen on hard times, and former donors to RAM who now need our assistance. These articles from the Roanoke Times stir up great emotions. The photographer, Heather Rousseau, has done an amazing job with her photography. One can really sense the struggle and heartfelt thanks in the faces of these recipients of financial aid. The newspaper also provides
RAM COOKING SHOW RAM cooking show? Well, not quite. But, we are in the planning stages for a brand new and exciting cooking series of video shorts that will be a few minutes each in length. This ongoing series will feature our very own chef, Heather. This will be not only a peek into the kitchen at RAM House, but an informational series that will give viewers ideas on how to stretch a buck in the current tightening economy. Heather and the kitchen volunteers do an amazing job of re-purposing donated food every day. They are able to create meals such as Quinoa Soup, Chicken and Rice Casserole, and Chili Dog Casserole out of a combination of donated items, just to name a few. Most days these lunches are not planned at all. The menu is often determined the morning of, based upon generous donations from the previous day. It seems that whenever we post anything about food on our social media, it takes off and gets much traction, likes, and shares. This is one way to capitalize on this success and get the word out that RAM House continually needs not only monetary donations but food donations, as well.
a clippable coupon to send directly to RAM House with an accompanied check. For those who are more comfortable sending digital funds, there are also simple instructions on how to go to and navigate our website. The web surfer can then click on our green Good Neighbors Fund button and donate directly to the cause through their debit or credit card. This is the fastest way for the funds to be deposited into the RAM House bank account and then to be distributed to those in need.
Chef Heather and Crew
RAM House is extremely blessed to have not only a chef and volunteers who have culinary skills, but who also have a heart for the individuals they are serving on a daily basis. As of this writing, our kitchen has served a record number of 170 plus lunches in one day. Our hope is for this series to take off and not only benefit the public, but be productive for us, as well. More people across our region need to know about the professional and extremely talented volunteers and staff we have working within our doors daily.
Photo courtesy of The Roanoke Times.
ram house online auction
RAM House is in the midst of an Online Auction and 100% of the proceeds go directly to seeing and meeting the need daily. Ram House is in the midst of a new fund raising campaign and the tool we are using is a digital online auction. We conceived of this process to help ease the fears of person to person exposure in the midst of an ongoing pandemic. This auction is currently hosted at We have donated items from businesses, board members, and individuals who want to make a difference. Our auction features everything from a vacation package, shopping spree vouchers, expensive vintage and new jewelry, framed works of art, and hand-made vases. As of this writing we are topping three thousand dollars raised. This is a trial run for us, and it is a venture that we have never done before. We are thinking about continuing this auction in the future with the success we are currently having on our first go around. Charityauctionstoday has made this process streamlined for us, and when all is said and done, they take a minimal deduction for only the items sold. We are so grateful to the many businesses and individuals who have contributed items and gift certificates to this cause. They are far too many to mention here but we thank them kindly!
executive director’s corner In 2021, we celebrated the 50th anniversary of RAM House in a significant way. We were able to cut our expenses and increase our revenues to better serve our community. RAM House is in a fiscally sound place, though we can never rest on our laurels. With the cost of heating homes and impending inflation, it is more important than ever to raise money through our Good Neighbors Fund to prevent more homelessness. Post pandemic, we ask our donors to continue to show love for our general operations as well. In October, the Roanoke Times reported on newly emerging tent cities within Roanoke. At RAM House, we have a great vision to reduce homelessness. Though we do a fantastic job providing services to the most vulnerable homeless people in the Blue Ridge Region, we are working on ways to better serve the homeless by increasing mental health and substance abuse services. During the Summer and Fall, Frank Rogan, the former President of the United Way, has been working with me to talk face to face with leaders from government and community foundations as well as local philanthropists. We also spoke to other non-profits about increasing collaborative efforts. There is great enthusiasm in the community to find innovative ways to decrease homelessness. Going into our 51st year, RAM House is dreaming big because we believe we can do even better. When I was in high school, the famous quote I chose for my senior picture was: “Some people see things as they are and say why? I dream of things that never were and say why not?” Melissa Woodson
People Reached is up 74% Post Engagements is up 31% Page Likes is up 108%
Development director’s corner When I came to RAM, I was inspired and humbled by the kindness and generosity of our donors and volunteers in general. I am incredibly appreciative of all the foundations, congregations, businesses and individuals out there who donate. In the short time I have been here, I’ve seen the momentum of giving growing, and am encouraged by those who give even in challenging times. Donors should always give as they see fit, but gifts toward the general fund are always extra appreciated. There’s nothing glamorous about “the general fund” but in reality that’s what keeps nonprofits afloat. The flexibility to use money where it is most needed at any time is an extra gift. Rachel Vogeley
Email our Development Director at Come and join the fun and be part of the #iamramfam team!
Washing Machine Miracle
Who would have thought that a washing machine could bring so much joy to a non profit? Well, that’s exactly what happened recently when the simple gift of a washing machine was donated during the beginning of this Christmas season. Our one and only washing machine recently ‘gave up the ghost,’ and one that worked well was needed in a hurry. Our Executive Director, Melissa Woodson, scheduled to go and pick up the needed machine and was prepared to pay an affordable amount for a standard machine. Before travelling to pick it up, she happened to have a conversation with a donor who wishes to remain anonymous, and he wound up paying for a much higher quality and more expensive washing machine unbeknownst to Melissa. In the words of Melissa, “I had a brief conversation with the donor about my going to pick up the $279 washing machine and when I got there he’d paid for this high quality machine. I was speechless. The Christmas Angels are coming out and they are humans.” Thank you, Mr. Anonymous, for the kindness and generosity to those needing to wash their clothes this season. You are truly a Christmas blessing!
Roanoke County Sheriff Eric Orange and Sergeant Chad Beheler.
volunteer experience We recently had the Roanoke County Sheriff’s office pay a visit to us, and they were able to experience first-hand what it’s like to volunteer in our at RAM House. Sheriff Eric Orange and Sergeant Chad Beheler generously donated most of their busy day to work along side other volunteers in our kitchen. They were able to see, in person, how the kitchen duties are streamlined and simplified by our resident chef, Heather Wilson. They both got to not only prepare the Brussels sprouts and fish for this day, but also to serve our clients face to face. In the words of Sheriff Orange, “It was a great opportunity, and I not only enjoyed working alongside the volunteers, but also serving the patrons as well.” Sergeant Beheler had this to say when asked about his impressions of RAM House, “I had a blast” And, “I learned how to cook things that I have never cooked before. And, I learned how important RAM House is to the community around us.” Thank you, Sheriff Orange and Sergeant Beheler for your time volunteering in our kitchen, as well as to our faithful and dedicated volunteers and staff who continue giving and serving daily.
With the winter months progressing, we are once again in urgent need of vital supplies to keep RAM House and our clients safe and prepared on the streets. URGENT RAM HOUSE NEEDS LIST
Womens: Long Sleeve Shirts (All Sizes) Sweatshirts (All Sizes) Sweat Pants (All Sizes) Underwear (New/All Sizes)
SHELTER NEEDS • Razors • Toothbrushes • Large Gloves
KITCHEN NEEDS • Disposable gloves - M, L, XL • Dish soap • Paper lunch bags /take home bags • Plastic forks/spoons or utensil packets • Bottled water • Dish rags and dish towels • 3 comp. to-go conatiners 8“ or 9” Want to help with these items? Email: Call: 540-777-4099 • Hot pads or oven mitts • Heavy duty oven cleaner
Winter Coats (All Sizes) Warm Gloves (No Knit) Mens: Jeans (30-36W)
• Styro cups 6 or 8 oz • Plastic spoons / forks • Paper plates • Coffee • Sugar • Creamer Want to help with these items? Email: Call: 540-343-3753
Long Sleeve Shirts (All Sizes) Sweatshirts/Hoodies (All Sizes) Underwear Boxer/Brief (New/All Sizes)
Undershirts (All Sizes) Flannel Shirts (All Sizes) Sweat Pants (All Sizes) Warm Gloves (No Knit) Winter Coats (All Sizes) Backpacks
plarning sleeping mats
Ever wonder what it’s like to sleep on the cold hard ground in the middle of the night? These women did and did something about this crucial need for our clients. These Methodist women are from Halesford and Epworth United Methodist Church. These ladies have recently “plarned” sleeping mats for our clients. What is plarning, you may ask? It is the process of crocheting plastic mats out of plastic grocery bags for the homeless to use as a moisture, warmth, and comfort barrier between the ground and their sleeping bags. These women meticulously craft each mat, and it takes many hours per mat. Each mat takes approximately 375 grocery bags depending on their size. These women are a part of the #iamramfam team and we thank them all for continuing to see and meet the need daily. Thank you to the UMC women. We look forward to the plarned mats that are currently in production for RAM!
Sleeping bag mats created by the process of plarning
faithful servant retiring It is with sadness that we are having to say goodbye to our Financial Aid Case Manager, Joyce Story. After years of faithful service to our clients at RAM, our Financial Aid Case Manager is retiring. Joyce has been an amazing worker who has tirelessly advocated for the clients who walk through our doors on a daily basis. She has a huge heart for the ones who are struggling financially, and it is evident in her interactions each day. Our Executive Director , Melissa Woodson, had these words to say about Joyce, “Anyone who knows the details of Joyce’s past realizes that it is an extraordinary life. As a leader, I look to her for her calm and her wisdom. Every single one of us will miss her. She is such a lovely person.” All of us at RAM House will certainly be sad to see her leave and miss the interactions we have with her each day. It is not an end, though as we look forward to her coming back and saying hello. thanks, joyce! “I have enjoyed working with you side by side every day, and I consider you not only a valuable asset to our company, but an enjoyable presence in the office as well. I will miss my morning text to ask me if I want an egg and cheese biscuit, and will also miss hearing all of the fun stories about your big family. You have done so many great things in life and succeeded with great patience. I know you will enjoy your time of relaxation.” Jessica Joseph Senior Financial Aid Program Manager
Joyce holding up our #IAMRAMFAM sign during the Wheeler ilming session.
When Joyce was asked about some memorable experiences at RAM, she had this to say, “I have had clients come in who were frustrated, worried, scared and had no idea what they were going to do. After speaking to them, letting them know what we could do for them, they left feeling much better about their situation and with hope. I’ve cried with some, felt helpless that RAM couldn’t do more for some, but then, many times I would send their application to other agencies and churches we work with, and I was able to get them all the assistance they needed.” She went on to tell us about how much she will miss working here, “I will miss working with the clients, my coworkers, and seeing the homeless come in to eat, get out of the cold or heat, and just knowing that RAM is doing a great job fulfilling our mission.”
When we asked our Shelter Manager, Linda Harris, about her thoughts on her fellow co-worker and friend, she had these words to say,” Through the years of knowing Ms. Story I have found her to be someone who has a passionate feeling toward the people she has helped. She is very thorough in her efforts, and each person gets more than 100% of her time. She is meticulous in her work from beginning to end. We engaged in a conversation one day, regarding a message she had taken for me. She gave me the message and still repeated it back to me word for word. That type of work ethic is hardly found anymore.
Joyce is a wonderful person. She loves people. She loves her family, home, and church. I met some of her Church ladies. While they were talking, I stood back and looked. She was a look into my future. When I am ‘there’, I hope to be just as strong, just as caring, and ready to engage in another adventure.
Joyce, you Rock!”
RAM House | (540) 345-8850 |
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