National Convention 2023

National President’s Message

Linda and I would like to welcome RURITANS to the MeadowView Con ference Resort and Convention Center in Kingsport, TN for our 2023 National Convention. It is so great to have you in our home area. Linda and I live 22 miles from here on the Virginia side. As we have traveled across this great Ruritan land, we have met the most wonderful people who make up our great organization. The hearts and souls of our members are all focused on making our communities a better place to live and work. The Convention Program Chair and committee, the Leadership Development Committee, the Events Coordinator and staff, plus many others have worked diligently to bring you the best conven tion possible. This convention gives us a time to obtain new ideas to take home and implement, meet new friends, rekindle old friendships and celebrate our achievements over the past year. First Timers are wearing a green ribbon. Please make a point to welcome them and talk to them. They may become that friend you will look for ward to seeing in the future. I would like to say thank you for allowing me to serve as your National President. Together we have accomplished much, but there is so much more to be done. We own our future and it is up to us to carry our great organization forward. Carry forward and continue to build your clubs with new members and make an ex tra effort for other communities to have the same opportunity. Go into these communities and help them to form a club of their own. With Ruritan guidance their community can and will thrive.

As our 2022 slogan says, we are ONE TEAM, ONE DIRECTION: UP!


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