Rev. George Ducker Scho l ar shi p Award
Ms. Parker Pattishall received the Rev. George Ducker Scholarship Award. The Rev. George Ducker Scholarship Award is given in memory of the Reverend George L. Ducker, member of the New River Community Action Board of Directors (1986-1992), Pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Radford, Radford City School Boardmember and United Way Board member, community leader and passionate advocate of quality education for all.
Parker is a first-generation college student and has overcome many obstacles and hurdles in her life. Parker now attends George Mason University where she studies Criminology-Law and Society.
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Kiwanis Club of Christiansburg was named NRCA’s Community Supporter of the Year. Communi t y Suppor ter o f the Year
The Community Supporter of the Year Award recognizes an
organization that gave time, services, and/or other resources to NRCA, helped New River Community Action advance its mission, and had a positive influence and impact on the community. The Kiwanis Club of Christiansburg provides food, furniture, and appliances to NRCA families in need. The organization provides snack bags to the children at Christiansburg Head Start every Friday. They provide hams for all families at Thanksgiving and Christmas.
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