
From the Publishers...

per-form-ance (n) : 1.The act, process, or manner of performing. 2. An accomplishment; deed. 3. To begin, carry out, fulfill. 4. To function in a certain way; act.

How often do you, as a leader in your organization, ask, “Why you do what you do?”This is an extremely important question. Isn’t it? Every day you act, engage, raise funds, inform, and bring impact to your community based on a particular set of values. Values Regardless of whether you recognize them or not, they are present in your organization and they certainly influence the way you do things and the depth of your impact. In this issue, we examine what values bring impact to your organization and how. Each of our contributions provides some insight into the ways that values influence your work, from our featured contributor, Peter Sims, the co-founder of the nonprofit Fuse Corps, author of Little Bets , and co-author of True North with Bill George; to Dr. Everett Worthington, whose encouragement for nonprofit organizations to embrace forgiveness stems from his years of research and writing on forgiveness which has provided tremendous international impact. We at Professional Performance 360 Magazine and SynerVision Leadership Foundation are pleased to present you with this issue of Nonprofit Performance Magazine and challenge you to envision how each article in this magazine can be used to grow your organization. How can Dr. David Burkus’ advice about creativity and empathy spur your imagination? What can you learn about transitions from Virginia Tech Athletic Director, Whit Babcock? How do Dr. Lynn Wooten and Kelle Parsons change the way your organization focuses on the positive? How do Hugh’s article and the article by Dr. Roberta Gilbert reshape your action ideas for empowering values? And, how does Jeff ’s article affect how you think about future leaders? Research has continually shown that you value what you spend your time and attention on. What do you value in your organization? What are your values? Are they written on a wall, or are they enacted as you engage your members, board, donors, and staff? This issue is our challenge to you, and us, to truly enact our values.When we do this, the impact on our communities will be amazing!

Jeffrey Magee

Hugh Ballou

6 I Nonprofit Professional Performance Magazine

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