Montgomery Chamber of Commerce Directory 2022

L ast year, LewisGale Hos pital Montgomery cel ebrated its 50th Anni versary. Whether it’s an individual, company, country, or organization, reaching the semi centennial milestone is no small accomplishment, particularly considering how few entities ac tually survive to celebrate such a landmark achievement. For 50 years, LewisGale Hospital Montgomery has delivered com prehensive healthcare to resi dents of the NewRiver Valley. Our community roots grow deep. In 1910, Dr. A.M. Showalter founded the 12-bed Altamont Hospital in nearby Cambria. In 1971, a new hospital was built at our pres ent location on Route 460 at the southern edge of Blacksburg, Virginia. Today, led by Alan Fa bian , Chief Executive Officer,

LewisGale Hospital Montgomery is a 146-bed facility, offering an expansive range of medical, sur gical, and emergency care servic es. Since joining LewisGale Hospital Montgomery in 2013, Alan has become a regional leader in the healthcare industry. He’s used knowledge gained through his nearly three decades of health care experience around the na tion to attact new doctors, inte grate new medical technology and facility investments to en hance patient care, and provide visionary leadership to improve the New River Valley community. In addition to his passion in sup porting the local economy and giving back to the community, Alan’s focus on patient care, phy sician relationships, and caring

like family for the hundreds of healthcare employees at our facil ity will have lasting impacts in the future of this part of Southwest Virginia. The team at LewisGale Hospital Montgomery congratulates Alan on being named the Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce’s Distinguished Business Leader of the Year and also wishes con tinued success to all the Chamber Awards nominees and winners.


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