Model-Based Systems Engineering with GENESYS
Similarities and Differences between Attributes and Parameters (cont.) • Attributes are stand-alone values within the context of the entity. • Parameters generally have an associated units field. With the exception of a string parameter, it is generally appropriate to specify a unit (weight in kilograms , temperature in Celsius , etc.). • Attributes are shown for every entity in a given class. • Parameters are available for every entity in a given class but only shown when populated. Thus, parameters possess a “dynamic” aspect, where the parameter is associated with a particular entity within a class, such as mass (appropriate for a hardware component) and lines of code (appropriate for a software component) without cluttering all entities in a class.
Similarities and Differences between Attributes and Parameters (cont.) • Versioning is optional for attributes. • Versioning is always enabled for parameters (occurs when versioning is enabled for the project). • Parameters represent key design aspects that are tagged and managed throughout the project’s lifetime. Assists in making TBDs, TBSs, easier to manage. • Parameters may be embedded in text attributes for the given entity.
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