Model-Based Systems Engineering with GENESYS

GENESYS Fundamentals

• GENESYS manages complexity through its database design, schema, and multiplicity of views. • GENESYS supports concurrent engineering processes using layered design techniques (over 40 years of successful system design application). • GENESYS reduces the drudgery to free an engineer’s creativity. • GENESYS enables better technical management by providing greater insight into the state and quality of the system design. • GENESYS equally supports top-down, middle-out, and reverse engineering approaches.


Evolution of the Functional/Behavior Architecture • We start by capturing the single-object, success-oriented, behavior.

• For both threads and integrated Logic • This is the kernel of the system logic.

• To develop system logic/behavior, functions are more important than inputs/outputs. Triggers between logic branches represent the minimum required I/O. • We then add multi-object logic and adapt the logic structure for more concurrent operation • Then we add error detection and recovery logic • Decomposition to lower levels of detail should stay reasonably consistent across the integrated logic • Specification of physical components should not be premature but decomposition of behavior and physical architectures should stay synchronized. Premature definition of the physical architecture (e.g. component-first methodologies) reduces the ability to develop a balanced system design


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