Miracle on 34th Street

34th Street M I R A C L E on Blacksburg High School Theatre Presents December 6-8th, 2019

Special Thanks  Melissa Cameron  BHS Theatre parents for your continued  help and support of our program  Ella Moeltner  Minerva Sanabria-Padilla 

Debbie Nichols  Caufman Family  Wang Family

Miracle on 34th Street  From the novel by Valentine Davies  Based upon the Twentieth Century Fox motion picture  Miracle on 34th Street  Adapted by Mountain Community Theatre  Produced by special arrangement with The Dramatic  Publishing Company of Woodstock, Illinois  Cast ​ (in order of appearance)  Dr. Pierce……………………………..Jesse Braak  Kris Kringle…………...……Michael Melton~  Shellhammer……….………….Scarlett Hurst ~  Doris Walker……….Marlee Van Mullekom~  Susan Walker………………...….Evie Cameron  Fred Gayley……………..….Isaac Thompson~  Mr. Macy…………….Matthew McPherson*~  Mr. Sawyer…………………..Walker Hansen~  Mr. Bloomingdale……….….Connor Marks*  Judge Harper…………………...Brian Bush *~  Finley…………………………….Caroline Kirby~  Mara………………………….....Bradley Grigg*~  Halloran……………………….....Trevor Smith 


Duncan………………………….Liam Fentress~  Ensemble  Liza Thomas*~ (caroler, 1st Pedestrian)  Mia Carter (Rich Lady)  Eve Azano~ (Newscaster, Foster Mother)  Anna Beeken~ (caroler)  Mariana Sanabria-Padilla* (caroler)  Abby Cameron~ (3rd Pedestrian)  Jayme Perks*~ (Drunken Santa, Al)  Thomas Willis*~ (Sharon’s Dad, Lou)  Aayush Patodiya~ (caroler, 2nd Pedestrian)  Cameron Jones* (Johnny’s Dad, Guard)  Emma Lewis  Gwen Hawdon (caroler)  Tapping Elves  Lexi Grigg, Chloe Guenette~, Emily  Triplett*~, Amanda Sobrado, Eden Braak,  Norin Bortz, Emma Lehman~, Liza Roth, Emma Lehman~ (Bag Lady)  Grace McGehee~ (caroler) 

Mariana Sanabria-Padilla*, Anna Brown,  Emma Bush*~, Gwen Hawdon  Elves  Natalie Nichols~, Reese Kunkel, Jaden  Eubanks, Liam Fentress~, Jeremy Larkin,  Natalie Caufman, Adele McElfresh  Children  Sam Tully~ (Sharon), Josiah Shrestha  (Johnny), Emma Bush*~ (Dutch Girl), Emily  Triplett*~ (Megan and Janet Mara)  Crew  Co-Stage Manager……….Cypress Ambrose*~  Co-Stage Manager…………..Lauren Collver~  Backstage Tech Crew……….Flannery  McNair~, Mia Yaun~, Elise Bailey, Zijun  Wang, Audrey Sanborn~, Chaney Dupont~,  Claire Wiedmer~, Elijah Colliver  Light Design……………...Grace Sallee*~, Dan  Scarpa-Friedman~

Light Technicians………….Katie Forbes and  Uly Gabriele  Sound Technicians…………….Chancellor  Sims~, Elena Bixby*~  Construction Crew…………Cypress,  Ambrose, Elise Bailey, Lauren Collver, Sam  Grove, Tille-Marie Johansen, Flannery  McNair, Zijun Wang, Claire Wiedmer, Mia  Yaun  Set Designers…………..Cypress Ambrose and  Lauren Collver  Special Thanks to the Technical Theatre  students who helped……………..Robbie  Edmison, Uly Gabriele, Kat Grant, Eleanor  Lee, Emma Lehman, Gracie  Opazo-Barnhart, McKenna Slocum, Abby  Wallace 

*denotes Senior  ~denotes Thespian

Save the Date!  December 18th @6:00  Semester Theatre Showcase  Starring…….  Theatre I’s ​ The Brothers Grimm  Spectaculathon  Theatre II’s ​ Dystopia! The Hungry Maze  Game of Divergent Death  Musical Theatre’s ​ Annie Jr.  May 1-3

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