MedSpa Advanced Skin Care
1. Wash and dry the face.
3. Wash wheel under warm running water, shake off excess water, and let dry.
2. Pump serum onto wheel. Press and roll in each direction 6 times.
4 For best results, use nightly.
The Magic of Micro-needling: How to Lyft
Deliver micro-needling and skin care with one painless device. Bring exceptional change to skin, softening the appearance of lines, wrinkles and dark spots. Improve tone and texture for a more youthful neck and décolletage, radiant and rested eyes and fuller lips.
MesoLyft Lips
N5302 N5303 N5304 N5305
$40.00 Suggested retail $80.00 $40.00 Suggested retail $80.00 $45.00 Suggested retail $90.00 $45.00 Suggested retail $90.00
Neck | 800.558.5571
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