MBSE with Genesys 093022

Grouping Requirements, cont. The grouping of requirements only works if we establish the groups/grouped by relationship. 1. Change the Facilities to All Classes 2. Scroll down and select the Requirement Group class. 3. Select Requirement Group “OPERATIONS” 4. Double ‐ click the relationship groups to edit the targets

3. Select Requirement target class 4. Shift + Select the R.1.1 and R.1.2 Requirements 5. Click Add then Close


Grouping Requirements, cont. The grouping of requirements only works if we establish the groups/grouped by relationship. 1. Select Requirement Group “SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS” 2. Double ‐ click the relationship groups to edit the targets 3. Select Requirement target class 4. Shift + Select the R.2.1, R2.2, … and R.2.7 Requirements 5. Click Add then Close



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