MBSE with Genesys 093022

Capturing and Decomposing Originating Requirements • Capture the source document • Extract top-level or parent source requirements capturing source attributes (paragraph title, paragraph number, origin, etc.) • Provide traceability from the source document to the parent originating requirements • Decompose composite source requirements being careful not to change the meaning • Provide traceability from each parent requirement to its children • Continue the decomposition of requirements into “children” until each leaf-level requirement is a single, verifiable statement


Capturing Requirements: A Visual Perspective

• Objective is source requirements in single, verifiable statements (decompose composite requirement statements) • Record source requirement statement in the description attribute of a Requirement • Reflect traceability between source document and first level Requirement with documents/documented by relationship • Maintain traceability between parent Requirement and child Requirement with the refined by/refines relationship

documented by

Source Document




Parent Requirements

refined by

refined by

Child Requirements

refined by

Leaf node Requirements trace to other entities



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