MBSE with Genesys 093022

Completing the Use Cases (a diagram is not enough) A common error is stopping at the use case diagram Each use case must have • Description

• Pre ‐ conditions – a description of the conditions before the use case begins • Post ‐ conditions – a description of the conditions after the use case ends A use case may optionally have (often specified via formal behavior instead) • Primary flow – a narrative of the standard behavioral flow to move from pre ‐ condition to post ‐ condition • Alternate flow – a narrative of the off ‐ nominal cases to move from pre ‐ condition to post ‐ condition


Key Semantics of Use Case Diagrams

• Inclusion <> • Parent-child relationship between use cases • Child use case at the end of the arrow • Classification (unfilled arrowhead) • Generalization / specialization relationship between use cases • Specialized use case at the tail of the arrow • Specialization inherits characteristics of its parent and then adds additional characteristics • Extension <> • Expansion of use case under specific conditions (extension point) • Extension use case at the tail of the arrow



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