MBSE with Genesys 093022

Key Semantics of Block Definition Diagrams, cont.

• Lines • Reflect parent-child relationship in direction of arrow

• Filled diamond – composition (destroy the parent and the child is destroyed) • Open diamond – reference (destroy the parent and the child still exists) • Roles • Optional label indicating the role a given block plays • Multiplicity • Indicator of parent-child cardinality (number of entities) • The built in relationship attribute “Whole Multiplicity” differentiates

• “0” represents composition • “1” represents aggregation

Additional information available in Chapter 7 of A Practical Guide to SysML


Mapping Block Definition Diagrams

Level of Detail: High Audience: System/software engineers and subject matter experts (SMEs) Content: Physical composition often including block roles and characteristics; inheritance model Use: Detailed, multi ‐ level design representation of system composition, inheritance, and corresponding physical characteristics; class diagram



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