MBSE with Genesys 093022

A Reminder: Capturing Design and Journey

Requirement (with problem)

generates (generated by)

Document (Trade Study)

documented by (documents)

refined by (refines)


results in (result of)

Requirement (Design Decision)

Color Code

Requirement Entity

Functional Entity

basis of (based on) or specifies (specified by)

Physical Entity

Interface Entity

Verification Entity

Other Entity

(solution entity)


Understanding Risks

• Reflects the uncertainty of achieving a product or program milestone • May exist for several reasons • New designs or design concepts • High or leading edge technology • Criticality to the user/customer • Budget or schedule constraints • Capture these uncertainties using the Risk entity • Manage mitigation strategy in a mitigation plan • Track until reduced below a likelihood or consequence as defined in your systems engineering plan

“The next good risk register I see will be the first good risk register I’ve seen”



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