HEARTS MATTER – FREE :en ^andiĨer M^, R , house dietitian at tarm ,earth Viůůage wiůů discuss what you can do to make heart healthy choices by taking small steps to a healthier you by feeding your heart with whole grain goodness. You will have an opportunity to sample easy to prepare heart heaůthy snacks. :ust Ĩor the Ĩun oĨ it, enũoy a game oĨ candy bar bingo. Participants shouůd bring two Ĩuůů sinjed wrapped candy bars to be used as bingo prinjes. >ight reĨreshments wiůů be served. Registration deadůine is February 25.
dhurs, Feb 28
ϭ:00 p.m.
tarm ,earth Viůůage, 6439 CALLIGRAPHY – $10 ,and ůeƩering oŌen reĨerred to as ͞Faux Caůůigraphy͟ is used to create uniƋue, expressive text that can be created to Įt any styůe proũect. ,and ůeƩering uses thick down strokes and ůight upstrokes wriƩen with pens or brush pens instead oĨ ũust a nib and ink. hnůike traditionaů caůůigraphy, hand ůeƩering is used on many diīerent mediums, incůuding paper, chaůkboards, painting and signs. /nstructor, Date Time Location Course Fri, Mar ϭ ϭ:00 p.m. Montgomery County 'overnment Center 6440 MuůtiͲpurpose Room 2 RSVP MEET & GREET Are you 55 or oůder͍ /Ĩ so, come by Ĩor a meet and greet at the Retired and ^enior Voůunteer Program ;R^VPͿ Kĸce at 2ϭ0 ^ Pepper ^treet, ^uite , Christiansburg to ůearn more about the program, how to voůunteer with nonͲproĮt organinjations, and the beneĮts oĨ being a member oĨ a nationͲwide senior organinjation. Yuestions͍ Contact Mandy ,ayes, Coordinator at 382-5775 or Date Time Location Course dhurs, Mar 7 ϭ0:00 a.m. R^VP Kĸce 644ϭ COUNTER ART TRIVETS – $15 ^pend your ůunch break ůearning the Ĩun oĨ painting with acryůics. Ceůebrate spring with a trivet decorated with a bird nest and Įůůed with robin eggs in an appůe tree covered in spring blossoms. No experience necessary, our paint instructor will walk you through the steps to create your own masterpiece. Registration deadůine is March 5. Fee incůudes aůů suppůies. Date Time Location Course dues, Mar ϭ2 ϭ:00 p.m. Montgomery County 'overnment Center 6442 MuůtiͲpurpose Room 2 6 |
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