Join us for some great fun, good exercise and an opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors. 'et a chance to ůearn about the area in which we ůive, both ůegend and Ĩoůkůore͊ dhe waůks are easy to moderate in terrain and 2 ʹ 4 miůes in ůength. Assessing the right WALK for you can enhance your experience out on the trail. Monty’s trail rating system: Level I: >eisureůy stroůů. Participants at this ůeveů wiůů be exercising by waůking a coupůe oĨ miles, stretching your legs and looking to get outdoors for fresh air and sunshine! Trail would consist oĨ Ňat or graduaů terrain and typicaůůy a paved or groomed surĨace. Level II: Moderate exercise. xpůore nature oī the beaten path by stepping over traiů ob- stacles with root and rock outcroppings, climb and descend moderate uneven terrain, and know your personaů ůimitations. taůking shoes with a cůeaved soůe are reƋuired Ĩor this ůeveů hike. Level III: ,eart Pumping xercise. Participants in good physicaů condition and are capabůe oĨ maneuvering rough, uneven terrain aůong with eůevation gains, ůoose surĨace materiaů shouůd be expected. ,igh top hiking boots or a shoe with ankůe support and cůeaved soůe is required for this level hike. GREENFIELD RECREATION PARK – $15 Enjoy a brisk winter walk along this natural surface walking trail which traverses a 125-acre park with roůůing ůandscapes and nature area. >unch wiůů be on your own at aůůast Point Ĩeaturing ůocaůůyͲinspired dishes. dake a tour oĨ the aůůast Point rewery and ůearn about their passion and process oĨ craŌing aůes. dhere wiůů be a brieĨ stop at the 'ander Mountain Kutdoor ^tore to expůore the winter outdoor gear. Registration deadůine is February ϭ3. >eveů /
ted, Feb 20
9:00 a.m. ʹ 4:00 p.m.
First Θ Main
9:30 a.m. ʹ 3:30 p.m. Montgomery Co. 'overnment Center
CAPTURE YOU IN NATURE – $12 dake a trip down memory ůane with :oyce ^ims and her sůide show presentation oĨ past adventures with MCPR . :oyce is an amateur photographer who ůoves to take photos oĨ nature and is oŌen pubůished in the newspaper with her nature photos. dhe program wiůů be heůd at the Montgomery County 'overnment Center at ϭ0:00 a.m. >unch wiůů be provided then we wiůů traveů to astern Montgomery Park Ĩor a winter waůk aůong the Roanoke River and a photo opportunity Ĩor you. Registration deadůine is February 2ϭ.
dues, Feb 26
9:30 a.m. ʹ 3:30 p.m.
First Θ Main
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