
Trips and Tours

TOUR POLICIES • Registration for tours can be made at the Montgomery County Government Center Parks & Recreation Office, 755 Roanoke Street, Suite 1E, Christiansburg, VA 24073. Registrations can be made in person, maiů or phone. Payment must be made at time oĨ registration. • Confirmation: hpon registration you wiůů receive a conĮrmation oĨ dates and times. dhose who are registered wiůů be notiĮed iĨ the tour is canceůed. • Deadline is set to secure tickets. /Ĩ minimum number oĨ participants is not met, tour will be canceled. • Wait list: /Ĩ tour is Ĩuůů at the time oĨ inƋuiry, reƋuest to be půaced on waiting ůist, iĨ a vacancy becomes avaiůabůe participant wiůů be notiĮed and given seven days to submit fee. • Refund: For a Ĩuůů reĨund, canceůůations must be made prior to registration deadůine, unůess a substitute is providedor canceůůation canbeĮůůed ĨromΗtait >ist ParticipantsΗ or iĨ tickets have been purchased. ReĨunds are automatic when tour is canceůed. ͻ te reserve the right to have program Ňexibiůity. • Medicine: Participants shouůd traveů with at ůeast a 24Ͳhour suppůy oĨ medication on the event we are unable to return home due to inclement weather or other circumstances.

Summer Brochure will be available May 1.


Christiansburg Parking for Trips

'oǀt Center

MontgoŵerLJ CountLJ 'oǀernŵent Center


Blacksburg Parking for Trips First & Main Shopping Center

First & Main Shopping Center

540.382.6975 | 29

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