Public Safety
TRIAD S.A.L.T. COUNCIL dhe Christiansburg/Montgomery dR/A ^.A.>.d. ;^enior͛s and >aw nĨorcement torking dogetherͿ Counciů works on various proũects to beneĮt active oůder aduůts in the community. dhe counciů meets every third duesday oĨ the month at ϭ:30pm at the Christiansburg Recreation Center. dhe meetings are open to aůů who wish to aƩend. For additionaů inĨormation contact dammy Caůdweůů at 382Ͳ2349 or Date Time Location Course dues, Mar ϭ9 ϭ:30 pm ngůish Meadows ^enior >iving 6460 SHRED-A-THON – FREE ,eůp prevent identity theŌ and shred unwanted documents. Protect your important inĨormation and cůean out the cůuƩer. dhis is a drive thru event, no waůkͲups wiůů be aůůowed. Papers to be shredded are preĨerred to be in a půastic storage bin or box, no bigger than 22.5xϭ8xϭϭ.5 with a ůimit oĨ three per vehicůe. o no bring papers in půastic bags. For additionaů inĨormation contact dammy Caůdweůů at 382Ͳ6975 or emaiů: tcaůdweůů@ Date Time Location dues, Apr ϭ6 3:00 p.m. ʹ 6:00 p.m. Christiansburg Parks Θ Recreation 540.382.6975 | 27
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