Outdoor Programs
DISC GOLF COURSE Montgomery County Parks Θ Recreation has a 38Ͳhoůe isc 'oůĨ course Ĩor you to enũoy. dhis is a very uniƋue course that consists oĨ wooded Ĩairways, with a variety oĨ eůevation changes. This course is the 5 th largest east of the Mississippi! dhe course is Ĩree to půay͖ aůů we ask is that you take out what you bring in. /Ĩ you have any Ƌuestions, give us a caůů at 540Ͳ382Ͳ6975, option 7. Before you play. . . The Rules: Throw a disc from tee to target over each hole of the course in the Ĩewest throws. ach throw aŌer the tee shot is addressed as a stroke Ĩrom the ůine oĨ the previous throw. Discs thrown over fencing or stuck in a tree at least six feet high are considered a penaůty stroke. Par Ĩor each ϭ9Ͳhoůe course is 57. Remember to yieůd to traiů users when crossing paths. Have fun and good luck! The Map: Foůůow the map through each ϭ9Ͳhoůe course Ͳ Golden Bear , lower course (blue line) or Black Bear , top course (green line) . The Scorecard: /Ĩ you want to make it competitive or you͛re ũust curious how you compare to those pro disc golfers, take a scorecard.
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