Montgomery County Parks & Recreation
Winter/Spring 2019
Registration Information Registration for Winter/Spring programs will begin on Wed., January 9 th at 8:30 a.m. Register online - visit , click Register Online in the top right corner, find your fun event for the season, add to your card and pay using your Visa , Discover , MasterCard or American Express . If you have registered with us before and provided your email address, you already have an account. Enter your email address and click “Forget your password?” for a reset email to be sent to you. If you need to create an account, click “Create New Account” and follow the 5 simple steps to get set up! Mail your registration – we accept mailed-in registration anytime, as long as a program is still open. If you mail your registration prior to program registration opening for the season, it will be kept on file and processed at the open of business on day registration begins. Please make checks payable to Montgomery County Parks and Recreation. Our address is at the bottom of the page. Register by phone – give us a call at (540) 382-6975 during normal business hours (8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday – Friday) to register for programs or reserve our facilities. Come see us! – we are open 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. We accept cash, check, and credit cards. Refunds Refunds are available if requested before the registration deadline of a program, unless tickets have been ordered. Pro-rated refunds will be considered mid-way through an activity on a case-by-case basis. Refunds are automatic when a program is cancelled by Montgomery County Parks and Recreation. Inclement Weather If Montgomery County schools are closed, athletic programs are cancelled. Our athletics cancellation line (540) 381-6843 will be updated by 4:00 p.m. if there are any cancellations. Our Athletics Facebook page will also be updated at Summer Brochure will be available May 1.
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What’s Inside
Staff Mitchell Haugh Director of Parks & Recreation 540-382-6975, option 9 Lindsey Kingrey Administrative Coordinator 540-382-6975, option 1 Kemvia Adams-Bush Senior Program, Tours 540-382-6975, option 3 Brad Buchanan Parks & Outdoor Education 540-382-6975, option 7 Allison Zuchowski Aquatics and Community Programs 540-382-6975, option 8 Chris Slusher Auburn Athletic Supervisor 540-382-6975, option 4 Ashley Hadidian Eastern Montgomery Athletic Supervisor 540-382-6975, option 5 Kayla Criner Recreation Assistant 540-382-6975, option 1
5 active adults
9 athletics
15 ammenities
17 aquatics
Terry Matney & Ben Sharp Maintenance Crew Leaders Justin Arnold & Preston Krisha Maintenance Staff Commission April DeMotts Board of Supervisors Liaison Adam Workman Planning Commission Liaison Susan Miller Chair Howard Eaves Vice Chair Ginny Peeples Commissioner Cory Thompson
19 community programs
22 family events
24 outdoor programs
Commissioner Stephen Cole Commissioner Don Karnes Commissioner Neal Feierabend Commissioner Mark Hollandsworth Commissioner
37 public safety
29 trips and tours
Montgomery County is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate in its programs and employment on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, marital status, age, religion, political affiliation, disability or veteran status.
540.382.6975 | 3
stormwater impacts you
We need your opinion on Montgomery County’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System ( MS4 ) Program Plan. The plan outlines a proposed strategy and timeline for implementing public education/ participation, pollution prevention, and stormwater management goals. View the plan and complete the survey at . Survey responses are due by Apr. 1, 2019 . Questions about the plan? Contact Stormwater Specialist John Burke at 540-394-2090.
This message is part of Montgomery County’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit requirements to provide public education and outreach on relevant stormwater issues. Learn more about the County’s efforts at
Active Adults
The following programs are co-sponsored with Christiansburg, Blacksburg and Radford Parks & Recreation, Montgomery County & Radford RSVP, and Meadowbrook Library
BIRTHDAY BINGO BASH – $4 Join us as we celebrate birthdays for the months of January-April. Refreshments, drinks and birthday cake wiůů be served. ring Ψϭ in Ƌuarters Ĩor bingo prinjes. Registration deadůine is January 22.
dues, :an 29
ϭ:00 p.m.
Christiansburg Parks Θ Recreation
VALENTINE WREATH – $10 Make an easy Vaůentine wreath Ĩor your Ĩront door or waůů in your home. ^uppůies are incůuded in cůass Ĩee. Registration deadůine is February ϭ.
dues, Feb 5
ϭϭ:00 a.m.
Christiansburg Parks Θ Recreation
RICKY COX – FREE e entertained by Ricky Cox, instructor oĨ Appaůachian ^tudies at RadĨord hniversity, as he sings and půays the guitar and a bit oĨ banũo, in a Ĩun ceůebration oĨ ůoveͲor the ůack thereof. Come laugh and sing along with others as you learn a bit about Appalachian music, Appaůachian Ĩoůkůore and enũoy ůight reĨreshments on a winter aŌernoon. A bit oĨ ůove and ůaughter are good Ĩor the heart and souů͊ Registration deadůine is February 4.
ted, Feb 6 ϭ:30 p.m.
Montgomery County 'overnment Center
MuůtiͲpurpose Room η2
HAPPY HEARTS – FREE onaůd Chaůoupka wiůů entertain you on the piano to ceůebrate Vaůentine͛s ay at the
ted, Feb ϭ3
ϭ:00 p.m.
tarm ,earth Viůůage, 6438 540.382.6975 | 5 HEARTS MATTER – FREE :en ^andiĨer M^, R , house dietitian at tarm ,earth Viůůage wiůů discuss what you can do to make heart healthy choices by taking small steps to a healthier you by feeding your heart with whole grain goodness. You will have an opportunity to sample easy to prepare heart heaůthy snacks. :ust Ĩor the Ĩun oĨ it, enũoy a game oĨ candy bar bingo. Participants shouůd bring two Ĩuůů sinjed wrapped candy bars to be used as bingo prinjes. >ight reĨreshments wiůů be served. Registration deadůine is February 25. Date Time Location Course dhurs, Feb 28 ϭ:00 p.m. tarm ,earth Viůůage, 6439 CALLIGRAPHY – $10 ,and ůeƩering oŌen reĨerred to as ͞Faux Caůůigraphy͟ is used to create uniƋue, expressive text that can be created to Įt any styůe proũect. ,and ůeƩering uses thick down strokes and ůight upstrokes wriƩen with pens or brush pens instead oĨ ũust a nib and ink. hnůike traditionaů caůůigraphy, hand ůeƩering is used on many diīerent mediums, incůuding paper, chaůkboards, painting and signs. /nstructor, Date Time Location Course Fri, Mar ϭ ϭ:00 p.m. Montgomery County 'overnment Center 6440 MuůtiͲpurpose Room 2 RSVP MEET & GREET Are you 55 or oůder͍ /Ĩ so, come by Ĩor a meet and greet at the Retired and ^enior Voůunteer Program ;R^VPͿ Kĸce at 2ϭ0 ^ Pepper ^treet, ^uite , Christiansburg to ůearn more about the program, how to voůunteer with nonͲproĮt organinjations, and the beneĮts oĨ being a member oĨ a nationͲwide senior organinjation. Yuestions͍ Contact Mandy ,ayes, Coordinator at 382-5775 or Date Time Location Course dhurs, Mar 7 ϭ0:00 a.m. R^VP Kĸce 644ϭ COUNTER ART TRIVETS – $15 ^pend your ůunch break ůearning the Ĩun oĨ painting with acryůics. Ceůebrate spring with a trivet decorated with a bird nest and Įůůed with robin eggs in an appůe tree covered in spring blossoms. No experience necessary, our paint instructor will walk you through the steps to create your own masterpiece. Registration deadůine is March 5. Fee incůudes aůů suppůies. Date Time Location Course dues, Mar ϭ2 ϭ:00 p.m. Montgomery County 'overnment Center 6442 MuůtiͲpurpose Room 2 6 | ST. PATRICK’S DAY BINGO – $4 :oin us as we ceůebrate ^t. Patrick͛s ay with Ĩood and bingo. ring Ψϭ in Ƌuarters Ĩor bingo prinjes. Registration deadůine is March 8. Date Time Location Course Fri, Mar ϭ5 ϭ:00 p.m. Christiansburg Parks Θ Recreation 6443 HELLO SPRING – $5 'et craŌy and create a Ĩun spring egg decoration made oĨ paper raĸa and mod podge. zou wiůů aůso ůearn to decorate edibůe carrot cookies to share with Ĩriends and Ĩamiůy. Registration deadline is March 13. Date Time Location Course ted, Mar 20 ϭ:30 p.m. Christiansburg Parks Θ Recreation 6444 NRV TIME BANK – FREE ^hare your taůents with others in exchange Ĩor an opportunity to receive assistance with projects in which you need help. This is a great way to get help with your to-do list. You wiůů aůso ůearn about the tooů ůending ůibrary and Repair CaĨĠ coming soon to the ,abitat Ĩor ,umanity Restore ^tore. y perĨorming ũobs, participants earn hours that are used as currency and may spend them by reƋuesting the services oĨ other users. A ůight ůunch wiůů be provided. Registration deadůine is March ϭ8. Date Time Location Course Fri, Mar 22 ϭϭ:00 a.m. Montgomery County 'overnment Center 6445 MuůtiͲPurpose Room ϭ CUPCAKES MADE EASY – $5 zouwiůů ůearn Ĩunandeasyways todecorate cupcakes Ĩor aster or a speciaů springtimeoccasion. /nstruction, cupcakes and decorating suppůies wiůů be provided, ũust bring the inspiration to be creative and have Ĩun͊ A ůight ůunch wiůů be provided. Registration deadůine is Apriů ϭ. Date Time Location Course Mon, Apriů 8 ϭϭ:00 a.m. Christiansburg Recreation Center 6454 540.382.6975 | 7 GROW YOUR OWN SALAD BOWL – $5 on͛t get stuck in the same oůd saůad routine, shake it up by tossing in some spectacuůar greens and herbs. >earn how you can create and grow a ͞saůad bowů͟ that can be harvested in about a month. A light salad bowl lunch will be provided and the demo salad garden will be given away as a door prinje. Registration deadůine is May ϭ. Date Time Location Course dues, May 7 ϭ0:00 a.m. Christiansburg Parks Θ Recreation 6459 EAST MONT GARDEN DAY – FREE Ceůebrate springtime with a visit to the ast Mont 'arden ay on ^aturday, May 4, 9amͲϭpm at the Meadowbrook Center Courtyard. There will be a bake sale, perennials and vegetable půants Ĩor saůe, arts and craŌs booths, Ĩarmers market, music and Ĩree chiůdren͛s activities courtesy of the library. nter your tractor or ůawn mower in the show, prinjes wiůů be awarded Ĩor peopůe͛s choice and most originaů tractors, and most uniƋue riding ůawn mower. Registration Ĩor the show begins at 8:30 am, and ũudging wiůů be at ϭ2:30 pm. For more inĨormation caůů 268Ͳϭ964 8 | Sponsors of Montgomery County Parks & Recreation DICK’S SPORTING GOODS dhank you to ick͛s ^porting 'oods ůocated in Christiansburg at the Eew River Vaůůey Maůů Ĩor being a sponsor oĨ MCPR Athůetics͊ Kur Ĩriends at ^' arrange speciaů shopping days and excůusive coupons Ĩor MPCR athůetes and their parents whiůe providing us with eƋuipment and donations. Check out ick͛s ^porting 'oods on the web at SHELOR MOTOR MILE dhanks to aůů oĨ our Ĩriends at the ^heůor Motor Miůe in Christiansburg Ĩor supporting MCPR Athůetics. From heůp constructing Motor Miůe Park to spon- soring our yearůy Ripken asebaůů Cůinic. Kver the years, ^heůor has heůped us raise Ĩunds through ticket saůes and car test drives. For more inĨormation on ^heůor, půease visit www.sheů CHRISTIANSBURG SOCCER CLUB dhe Christiansburg ^occer Cůub ;C^CͿ strives to provide recreationaů and com- petitive soccer at reasonabůe cost Ĩor the Eew River Vaůůey. C^C is the top soccer provider Ĩor Christiansburg, Riner, ^hawsviůůe, and ůůiston. draveů and academy soccer are also available. Check out our website for more informa- tion at NEW RIVER UNITED Eew River hnited is the premier soccer cůub providing soccer Ĩor aůů ůeveůs oĨ půayers in the Eew River Vaůůey. Programs incůude recreationaů soccer ;4Ͳϭ8 yrsͿ, traveů soccer ;8Ͳϭ8Ϳ, aduůt ůeague ;ϭ8ͲupͿ, summer camps ;4Ͳϭ8Ϳ, winter indoor ůeagues ;both youth and aduůtͿ and many more. Půease visit www. or emaiů inĨ with any Ƌuestions NEW RIVER VALLEY LACROSSE CLUB dhe Eew River Vaůůey >acrosse Cůub͛s ;ERV>CͿ mission is to bring the commu- nity together in sport by providing opportunities Ĩor area youth to participate as members oĨ ůacrosse teams. ERV>C currentůy Įeůds the Ĩoůůowing ůacrosse teams in Montgomery County; varsity boys, varsity girls, junior varsity boys, junior varsity/middle school girls, middle school boys and 4th and 5th grade boys. ERV>C aůso oīers various cůinics and camps Ĩor aůů ages. do ůearn more about programs and happenings with lacrosse please visit BLACKSBURG BASEBALL ASSOCIATION dhe ůacksburg asebaůů Association is a seůĨͲĨunded, nonͲproĮt organinjation developed to provide players in the Blacksburg school district with the oppor- tunity to participate in competitive basebaůů. dhe A is an oĸciaů Ĩranchise oĨ ixie zouth asebaůů and oīers ůeagues Ĩor CoachͲPitch through ixie zouth asebaůů to abe Ruth asebaůů. For more inĨormation on the A and to reg- ister for their leagues please visit BLACKSBURG SOFTBALL ASSOCIATIO N zouth ^oŌbaůů Ĩor the ůacksburg schooů district is oīered through the ůacks- burg ^oŌbaůů Association. dhey oīer youth soŌbaůů Ĩrom coachͲpitch through abe Ruth ^oŌbaůů ůeagues. For more inĨormation on ^ and to register Ĩor their ůeagues půease visit: www.bůacksburgdixiesoŌbaůů.org Friends of Montgomery County Parks & Recreation 540.382.6975 | 9 Let the Kids Play Scholarship Fund dhe >et the FIND US ON FACEBOOK! ^tay up to date on aůů youth athůetics happenings, articůes, pictures, ůeagues, canceůůations and much, much more by Ĩoůůowing us at Montgomery County Parks and Recreation Athůetics on Facebook. 10 | Athletics CHRIS SLUSHER, Auburn Athletics Supervisor ASHLEY HADIDIAN, Eastern Montgomery Athletics Supervisor START SMART BASEBALL (Coed, ages 3-4) – $40 This program teaches the basic motor skills necessary to play organized teeball, baseball and soŌbaůů whiůe participants work oneͲonͲone with their parents. dhe program Ĩocuses on such skiůůs as throwing, catching, baƫng, running and agiůity without the threat oĨ competition and the Ĩear oĨ geƫng hurt. Registrations begins :anuary 9, 20ϭ9 and runs through Friday, March 8 ;inͲpersonͿ and ^unday March ϭ0 ;onůineͿ. ^eason runs Apriů/May. League Ages Location Course ^tart ^mart asebaůů ʹ Auburn ^tart ^mart asebaůů ʹ ast Mont 3Ͳ4 3Ͳ4 d A 6445 6446 M ^ MCPR TEEBALL (Coed, ages 5-6) – $40 deebaůů is a timeůess cůassic͖ the sport deveůops the primary skiůůs oĨ hiƫng, running, Įeůding and throwing. Teeball players will gain an understanding of the fundamental rules of baseball and soŌbaůů. Participants͛ age as oĨ May ϭ wiůů determine division půacement. Registrations begins :anuary 9, 20ϭ9 and runs through Friday, March 8 ;inͲpersonͿ and ^unday March ϭ0 ;onůineͿ. ^eason starts in Apriů and runs through :une. League Ages Location Course deebaůů ʹ Auburn deebaůů ʹ ast Mont deebaůů ʹ Prices Fork 5Ͳ6 5Ͳ6 5Ͳ6 A ^ϭ 6447 6449 645ϭ M ^ PF ^ NRV COACH PITCH BASEBALL (Boys, ages 7-8) – $40 CoachͲPitch asebaůů stresses individuaů skiůů deveůopment and game understanding in a re- ůaxed and recreationaů atmosphere. CoachͲPitch season consists oĨ teams Ĩrom area Eew River Vaůůey recreation departments to Ĩorm a true basebaůů ůeague. Participants͛ age as oĨ May ϭ, 20ϭ9 wiůů determine division půacement. Registrations begins :anuary 9, 20ϭ9 and runs through Friday, March 8 ;inͲpersonͿ and ^unday March ϭ0 ;onůineͿ. ^eason starts in April and runs through June. League Ages Location Course CoachͲPitch asebaůů ʹ Auburn CoachͲPitch asebaůů ʹ ast Mont 7Ͳ8 7Ͳ8 PC 6452 6453 M ^ 540.382.6975 | 11 NRV COACH PITCH SOFTBALL (Girls, ages 7-8) – $40 CoachͲPitch ^oŌbaůů stresses individuaů skiůů deveůopment and game understanding in a re- ůaxed and recreationaů atmosphere. CoachͲPitch season consists oĨ teams Ĩrom area Eew River Vaůůey recreation departments to Ĩorm a true soŌbaůů ůeague. Participants͛ age as oĨ :anuary ϭ, 20ϭ9 wiůů determine division půacement. Registrations begins :anuary 9, 20ϭ9 and runs through Friday, March 8 ;inͲpersonͿ and ^unday March ϭ0 ;onůineͿ. ^eason starts in April and runs through June. League Ages Location Course CoachͲPitch ^oŌbaůů ʹ Auburn CoachͲPitch ^oŌbaůů ʹ ast Mont 7Ͳ8 7Ͳ8 A ^2 6456 6458 K^ ^2 DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL (Boys, ages 9-12) – $50 stabůished in ϭ955, ixie zouth asebaůů͛s goaů is to promote the deveůopment oĨ strong character, a right aƫtude, a sense oĨ responsibiůity and citinjenship in youngsters, using the game oĨ basebaůů as a vehicůe. Půayers wiůů ůearn the game oĨ basebaůů and how to půay it the right way. >ocaůůy our teams wiůů compete in a ůeague with area parks and recreation departments, games will be played during the week and on weekends. Age as of May 1, 2019 determines ůeague division, practices starts end oĨ March/earůy Apriů. Registrations begins :anuary 9, 20ϭ9 and runs through Friday, March 8 ;inͲpersonͿ and ^unday March ϭ0 ;onůineͿ. Registrations Mh^d be made on time to ensure ůeague eůigibiůity reƋuirements. League Ages 9Ͳϭ0 9Ͳϭ0 Ages ϭϭͲϭ2 ϭϭͲϭ2 Location Course ixie AAA asebaůů ʹ Auburn ixie AAA asebaůů ʹ ast Mont PC 646ϭ 6465 K^ ^ϭ League Location Course ixie Knjone asebaůů ʹ Auburn ixie Knjone asebaůů ʹ ast Mont MMP K^ ^2 6467 6469 BABE RUTH BASEBALL (Boys ages 13-15) – $50 Founded in ϭ95ϭ, abe Ruth asebaůů >eague was created Ĩor baůůpůayers ages ϭ3Ͳϭ5 who wished to continue their basebaůů půaying experience beyond age ϭ2. dhis is where půayers get their basebaůů cůeats muddy Ĩor the Įrst time on standard 90͛ diamonds under Kĸciaů asebaůů Ruůes used by maũor >eague asebaůů. /n this division, teams are eůigibůe to enter tournament competition andmove aůong the tournament traiů, cuůminating in atorůd ^eries. Age as of May 1, 2019 determines ůeague division, practices starts ůate May. Registrations begins :anuary 9, 20ϭ9 and runs through Friday, March 8 ;inͲpersonͿ and ^unday March ϭ0 ;onůineͿ. Registrations Mh^d be made on time to ensure ůeague eůigibiůity reƋuirements. League Ages ϭ3Ͳϭ5 ϭ3Ͳϭ5 Location Course abe Ruth asebaůů ʹ Auburn abe Ruth asebaůů ʹ ast Mont A,^ 6470 6472 M,^ 12 | BABE RUTH SOFTBALL (Girls ages 9-14) – $50 ^ince its inception in ϭ984, abe Ruth ^oŌbaůů has grown tremendousůy to become a pre- mier soŌbaůů program throughout the hnited ^tates and Canada and is aůso the Ĩastest grow- ing division oĨ abe Ruth >eague /nc. dhe primary emphasis oĨ abe Ruth ^oŌbaůů is on education, skiůů deveůopment, participation Ĩor aůů ůeveůs oĨ abiůity and oĨ course having Ĩun. Age as oĨ :anuary ϭ, 20ϭ9 determines ůeague division, practices starts end oĨ March/earůy Apriů. Registrations begins :anuary 9, 20ϭ9 and runs through Friday, March 8 ;inͲpersonͿ and ^unday March ϭ0 ;onůineͿ. Registrations Mh^d be made on time to ensure ůeague eůigibiůity requirements. League Ages 9Ͳϭ0 9Ͳϭ0 Ages ϭϭͲϭ2 ϭϭͲϭ2 Ages ϭ3Ͳϭ4 ϭ3Ͳϭ4 Location Course abe Ruth ^oŌbaůů ϭ0h ʹ Auburn abe Ruth ^oŌbaůů ϭ0h ʹ ast Mont A ^2 6474 6475 K^ ^2 League Location Course abe Ruth ^oŌbaůů ϭ2h ʹ Auburn abe Ruth ^oŌbaůů ϭ2h ʹ ast Mont A ^2 6476 6477 K^ ^2 League Location Course abe Ruth ^oŌbaůů ϭ4h ʹ Auburn abe Ruth ^oŌbaůů ϭ4h ʹ ast Mont A,^ 6478 6479 M,^ 540.382.6975 | 13 MCPR FIELD GUIDE PFES Prices Fork Elementary School deebaůů 402ϭ Prices Fork Road ůacksburg, VA 24060 Fieůd AES1 Auburn Elementary Schoo l ϭ760 Auburn ^chooů rive deebaůů Fieůd Riner, VA 24ϭ49 AES2 Auburn Elementary School ϭ760 Auburn ^chooů rive abe Ruth ^oŌbaůů Fieůd Riner, VA 24ϭ49 AHS Auburn High School Varsity ϭ650 Auburn ^chooů rive asebaůů Fieůd Riner, VA 24ϭ49 AHS Auburn High School Varsity ϭ650 Auburn ^chooů rive ^oŌbaůů Fieůd Riner, VA 24ϭ49 PC Plum Creek Park ϭ5ϭ5 ,ornsby rive ixie zouth asebaůů Fieůd Christiansburg, VA 24073 MMP Motor Mile Park 2306 Tyler Road Dixie Youth asebaůů Fieůd Christiansburg, VA 24073 EMES Eastern Montgomery Elementary School deebaůů/CP 4580 astern Montgomery >ane Fieůd ůůiston, VA 24087 OSES1 Old Shawsville Elementary School 4390 Riīe ^treet asebaůů Fieůd ůůiston, VA 24087 ixie zouth OSES2 Old Shawsville Elementary School abe Ruth 4390 Riīe ^treet ůůiston, VA 24087 ^oŌbaůů Fieůd EMHS Varsity Eastern Montgomery High School 4695 Crozier Road ůůiston, VA 24087 asebaůů Fieůd EMHS Varsity Eastern Montgomery High School 4695 Crozier Road ůůiston, VA 24087 ^oŌbaůů Fieůd 14 | Amenitites / Parks and Facilities COAL MINING HERITAGE PARK – 751 MERRIMAC ROAD, BLACKSBURG >ocated in the middůe oĨ the ,uckůeberry draiů, in between the downs oĨ ůacksburg and Christiansburg, the Coaů Mining ,eritage Park is Ĩuůů oĨ history and opportunity Ĩor expůoration. dhe Ĩormer Merrimac mining community resided on this 30Ͳacres tract where you wiůů now Įnd a passive park with open green space along with a large wooden bridge that takes you into the park. An ADA accessible trail leads to the old mining entrance and some oĨ the oůd Ĩoundations. dhe Coaů Mining >oop Trail is 1.5 miles and is designed to accommodate bicyclists, joggers, waůkers and traiů users. dhere is a ƋuarterͲmiůe section designed to be accessibůe Ĩor wheeůchair users. EASTERN MONTGOMERY PARK – 5001 ENTERPRISE DRIVE, ELLISTON ducked away in the eastern part oĨ the County on the ^outh Fork oĨ the Roanoke River is astern Montgomery Park. dhis park has some uniƋue amenities such as a grass voůůeybaůů court, modeů airpůane Ňying strip and a canoe and kayak boat ůaunch. A půayground and waůking traiů by the river make this a great půace to spend time with family and friends. As the largest shelter across the County parks, this shelter features 13 picnic tables, two grills, and electricity. The sheůter is avaiůabůe Ĩor rent Ĩrom Apriů ϭ through Kctober 3ϭ. Rentaů Ĩees start at Ψ30 Ĩor a haůĨ day reservation ;9 a.m. to 3 p.m. KR 3 p.m. to 9 p.m.Ϳ or Ψ50 Ĩor a whoůe day ;9 a.m. to 9 p.m.Ϳ. Reservations must be made at ůeast one week in advance. Půease view avaiůabiůity and reserve onůine at hƩps:// ReserveͺKptions HUCKLEBERRY TRAIL xtending Ĩrom the Christiansburg Recreation Center ;ϭ600 E. Frankůin ^t.Ϳ to the Montgomery County Pubůic >ibrary in downtown ůacksburg ;200 Miůůer ^t., ^tͿ, and passing ,eritage Park connecting to the Eationaů Forest draiů Eetwork, the ,uckůeberry draiů oīers an asphaůtͲpaved bike/pedestrian path constructed on the oůd ,uckůeberry Raiů >ine. dhis traiů is open to waůkers, runners and bikers. EK MKdKR/ V ,/C> ^ KR ,KR^ ^ AR A>>Kt . Additionaů inĨormation and maps are avaiůabůe Ĩor reĨerence at hƩp://huckůeberrytraiů.org/ McCOY PARK – 5770 McCOY ROAD, BLACKSBURG :ust a ϭ5Ͳmintue drive Ĩrom ůacksburg, McCoy Park Ĩeatures a youth basebaůů Įeůd, a sheůter, waůking track and půayground eƋuipment. dhe sheůter Ĩeatures picnic tabůes, concrete Ňoors, a griůů, and eůectricity. dhe sheůter is avaiůabůe Ĩor rent Ĩrom Apriů ϭ to Kctober 3ϭ. Rentaů Ĩees start at Ψ30 Ĩor haůĨ day ;9a.m. to 3 p.m. KR 3 p.m. to 9 p.m.Ϳ or Ψ50 Ĩor a whoůe day ;9 a.m. to 9 p.m.Ϳ. Reservations must be made at ůeast one week in advance. Půease view avaiůabiůity and reserve onůine at hƩps://apm.ͺKptions MID-COUNTY PARK – 390 CINNABAR ROAD, CHRISTIANSBURG The largest park in Montgomery County at 110 acers, Mid-County oīers many amenities incůuding the Frog Pond ^wimming Pooů, the Activities Center and 'oůden ,iůů isc 'oůĨ Course. ^ome uniƋue features of this park include the extensive nature trail system, wiůdůiĨe habitat areas, aƋuatic and wetůand areas, and a dog walking area. This park also features a playground and basketball court. dhere are three picnic sheůters ;two are avaiůabůe Ĩor rentͿ, charcoal grills, and electricity. Wheelchair accessible trials are avaiůabůe to ^heůters ηϭ, η2 and the restrooms. dhe two sheůters 540.382.6975 | 15 are avaiůabůe Ĩor rent Ĩrom Apriů ϭ to Kctober 3ϭ. dhe max capacity Ĩor each sheůter is ϭ00 guests. Rentaů Ĩees start at Ψ30 Ĩor a haůĨ day ;9 a.m. to 3 p.m. KR 3 p.m. to 9 p.m.Ϳ or Ψ50 Ĩor a whoůe day ;9 a.m. to 9 p.m.Ϳ. Reservations must be made one week in advance. Půease view avaiůabiůity and reserve onůine at hƩps://ͺKptions MID-COUNTY ACTIVITY CENTER – 390 CINNABAR ROAD, CHRISTIANSBURG dhe Activity Center is two Ňoors and is used Ĩor summer camps and speciaů programs by Montgomery County Parks and Recreation. /t is ůocated adũacent to the Frog Pond ^wimming Pooů and near the MidͲ County shelters, nature trails and disc golf course. THE FROG POND – 390 CINNABAR ROAD, CHRISTIANSBURG dhe pooů season runs Ĩrom Memoriaů ay to >abor ay. 'eneraůůy, when Montgomery County schooůs are in session, the pooů wiůů be open on ^aturdays and ^undays onůy. Montgomery County͛s only outdoor public pool is a beach-entry leisure pool with water slides, fountains and geysers. The tots͛ pooů, beside the ůeisure pooů, provides enũoyment Ĩor chiůdren under the age oĨ 5. dhe entire Ĩaciůity is avaiůabůe Ĩor rent Ĩrom 7 p.m. to ϭϭ p.m. on Fridays, ^aturdays, and ^undays, Ĩrom Memoriaů ay weekend to >abor ay ;may be subũect to changeͿ. dhe pooů is avaiůabůe Ĩor rent throughout the summer with reservations opening on Apriů ϭ. Reservations must be made at ůeast one week in advance. Rentaů Ĩees start at Ψϭ75 Ĩor a minimum oĨ 2 hours and a Ψ75 Ĩee per each additionaů hour. dhe totaů rentaů Ĩee is due at time oĨ reservation. dhe rentaů Ĩee incůudes designated ůiĨeguards with ϭ ůiĨeguard per 25 guests. dhe max party sinje is ϭ00 peopůe. Půease view avaiůabiůity and reserve onůine at hƩps://ͺKptions MOTOR MILE PARK – 2306 TYLER ROAD, CHRISTIANSBURG uiůt with donations Ĩrom the ^heůor Motor 'roup, Motor Miůe Park incůudes a tournament styůe ůighted basebaůů/soŌbaůů Įeůd, dugouts, a muůtipurpose practice Įeůd Ĩor a variety oĨ sports, a playground, and a shelter with a grill and picnic tables. The shelter is avaiůabůe Ĩor rent Ĩrom Apriů ϭ to Kctober 3ϭ. Rentaů Ĩees start at Ψ30 Ĩor a haůĨ day ;9 a.m. to 3 p.m. KR 3 p.m. to 9 p.m.Ϳ or Ψ50 Ĩor a whoůe day ;9 a.m. to 9 p.m.Ϳ. Reservations must be made at ůeast one week in advance. Půease view avaiůabiůity and reserve onůine at hƩps://ͺKptions PLUM CREEK PARK – 1515 HORNSBY DRIVE, CHRISTIANSBURG >ocated in the western part oĨ the County near the City oĨ RadĨord, Půum Creek Park Ĩeatures a competitionͲůeveů basebaůů/soŌbaůů Įeůd, waůking track, and půayground eƋuipment. dhere is aůso půenty oĨ green space outside the baůů Įeůd that aůůows Ĩor activates such as dog waůking and Frisbee půaying. dhe sheůter incůudes picnic tabůes and a griůů, and is avaiůabůe Ĩor rent Ĩrom Apriů ϭ to Kctober 3ϭ. Rentaů Ĩees start at Ψ30 Ĩor a haůĨ day ;9 a.m. to 3 p.m. KR 3 p.m. to 9 p.m.Ϳ or Ψ50 Ĩor a whoůe day ;9 a.m. to 9 p.m.Ϳ. Reservations must be made at ůeast one week in advance. Půease view avaiůabiůity and reserve onůine at hƩps:// ReserveͺKptions 16 | Aquatics HIRING FROG POND & FROG HOPPER CAMP STAFF ^tarting earůy this spring, keep an eye out iĨ you want to become part oĨ our sum- mer staī Ĩor the 20ϭ9 season. /Ĩ you͛re ůooking Ĩor a Ĩun, exciting summer ũob, this is your opportunity͊ Frog Pond pooů staī wiůů incůude head guards, ůiĨeguards and Ĩront gate aƩendants. Frog ,opper Camp staī wiůů incůude camp directors and counselors. Check job availability and apply online when they become open at LIFEGUARD CLASS – $200 dhe American Red Cross CertiĮed >iĨeguard draining Course wiůů provide you with the necessary skiůůs to become a CertiĮed >iĨeguard. dhe course wiůů incůude American Red Cross First Aid, CPR, A and >iĨeguarding draining. /ndividuaůs interested in the cůass shouůd be strong swimmers and come prepared to be chaůůenged with these new skiůůs. AŌer the successĨuů compůetion oĨ the course, you wiůů receive a certiĮcation vaůid Ĩor two years. /Ĩ you are seůected Ĩor an interview and hired with Montgomery County Parks and Rec, you wiůů receive a $100 refund at the end of the pool season. Please note: taking this class does not guarantee a job with MCPR; your application will be considered with all other applications, however – for your consideration – you must list your expected date of completion for this course on the application. Deadline to register: May 10 th . ^pace is ůimited. Date Time Location Course May 23 May 24 May 25 May 26 4:00 p.m. ʹ 9:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. ʹ 9:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. ʹ 3:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. ʹ 3:00 p.m. MidͲCounty Activity Center Θ Frog Pond 6428 540.382.6975 | 17 Preview of Frog Hoppers' Camp Themes for SUMMER 2019 – $175 per session Registration wiůů begin March ϭ5th and registration packets are avaiůabůe aŌer March ϭst on our website or At the MCPR oĸce, 755 Roanoke ^t., Christiansburg. Frog ,oppers, Montgomery County͛s summer day camp ;grades ϭͲ6Ϳ, is a great way Ĩor chiů- dren to experience education and recreation outdoors͊ dhis is a weůůͲstructured camp that invoůves smaůů group ůearning activities at MidͲCounty Park and the Frog Pond ^wimming Pooů. Campers wiůů experience arts, craŌs, nature activities, hikes, sports, games and more͊ dhey wiůů aůso get daiůy Ĩree swim time at the pooů. Camp is heůd daiůy, rain or shine. YuaůiĮed, trained and experienced counseůors wiůů initiate the Ĩun and activities that your chiůd wiůů remember Ĩorever. Camp wiůů be heůd MondayͲFriday and taught in weekůy sessions with dropͲoī beginning at 7:30 a.m. and pick-up by 5:30 p.m. a late pick-up fee of $1 per minute will be applied aŌer 5:30 p.m. space is ůimited to 25 participants, so register earůy͊ Registration deadůine: tednesday prior to the week oĨ camp. Eote: chiůdren are eůigibůe Ĩor camp Ĩrom the time they are entering 1 st grade to the time they are entering 6 th grade͖ aŌer they have reached the 6 th grade they are no longer eligible. Session Dates Theme Location MCPAC MCPAC MCPAC MCPAC MCPAC MCPAC MCPAC MCPAC ഩഩϭ ഩഩ2 ഩഩ3 ഩഩ4 ഩഩ5 ഩഩ6 ഩഩ7 ഩഩ8 :une ϭ0 Ͳ ϭ4 :une ϭ7 Ͳ 2ϭ :une 24 Ͳ 28 ^aĨari teek ^uper ,eroes Θ Princesses ^ports xtravagannja :uůy ϭ Ͳ 5 *(No Camp on 7/4) Patriotic Ceůebration Mad ^cientist >ab dhe tonders oĨ tater :uůy 8 Ͳ ϭ2 :uůy ϭ5 Ͳ ϭ9 :uůy 22 Ͳ 26 Animaů Půanet ^hark teek :uůy 29 Ͳ August 2 18 | Community Programs FAMILY & FRIENDS CPR – $15 The Family & Friends CPR course teaches the lifesaving skills of adult ,andsͲKnůy CPR, aduůt CPR with breaths, chiůd CPR with breaths, aduůt and chiůd A use, inĨant CPR, and miůd and severe airway bůock Ĩor aduůts, chiůdren, and inĨants. ^kiůůs are taught in a dynamic group environment using the A,A͛s researchͲproven practiceͲwhiůeͲwatching techniƋue, which provides students with the most handsͲon CPR practice time possibůe. Famiůy Θ Friends CPR is Ĩor peopůe who want to ůearn CPR but do not need a CPR course certiĮcation card to meet a ũob reƋuirement. dhis course is ideaů Ĩor community groups, new parents, grandparents, babysiƩers, and others interested in ůearning how to save a ůiĨe. Date Time Location Course Wed., Apr. 3 6:00 p.m. ʹ 9:00 p.m. MC'C MP2 6429 SELF DEFENSE COURSE – $15 This class is an introductory course to look at real world self-defense. The course is broken down into two cůasses. /n the Įrst cůass heůd at the Montgomery County 'overnment Center, we wiůů discuss the myths and misconceptions oĨ seůĨͲdeĨense as weůů as the theory behind eīective seůĨͲ protection. /n the second cůass, heůd at Date Time Location Course Wed., Mar. 20 Wed., Mar. 27 6:00 p.m. ʹ 9:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. MC'C MP2 6430 FLEXIBILITY & STRENGTH TRAINING CLASS – $15 thether you are ũust commiƫng to a stronger seůĨ or want to improve your current routine, this cůass is Ĩor you. dhis cůass wiůů incůude some cardio, strength and Ňexibiůity exercises in a variety oĨ time eĸcient workouts making it a Ĩun 30 minute workout. zou͛ůů aůso improve baůance, Ňexibiůity, range oĨ motion, posture and Ĩunctionaů perĨormance oĨ everyday activities. Date Time Location Course Feb. ϭ2, ϭ4, ϭ9, 2ϭ, 26, 28 Mar. 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28 April 9, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25 ϭ2:ϭ5 p.m. ʹ ϭ2:45 p.m. 12:15 p.m. – ϭ2:45 p.m. 12:15 p.m. – ϭ2:45 p.m. MC'C MPϭ MC'C MPϭ MC'C MPϭ 643ϭ 6432 6433 540.382.6975 | 19 BOB ROSS JOY OF PAINTING – $55 (AGE 10 up) zou͛ůů ůearn to paint anything Ĩrommountains to seascapes, cabins, barns and ůakes. CertiĮed ob Ross /nstructor ;CR/Ϳ in ůandscapes, obby toods, wiůů be teaching. AŌer each session you wiůů have a compůeted Įnished painting to enũoy and show oī. Chiůdren under ϭ0 shouůd be accompanied by an aduůt. Aůů materiaůs provided. Registration deadůine is one week prior to each class. Date Time Location Course ^at., :anuary 26 6:00 p.m. ʹ 9:00 p.m. MCAC 6422 ^at., February 23 ;aůů sessionsͿ ;aůů sessionsͿ 6423 ^at., March 30 6424 ^at., Apriů 27 6425 ^at., May 25 6426 BOATING SAFETY EDUCATION COURSE – FREE (AGE 16) As oĨ 20ϭ6, aůů operators oĨ PtCs ;Personaů tatercraŌ such as ũetͲskis, ^ea oos, tave Runners, etc.Ϳ and operators oĨ Motorboats with a ϭ0hp or greater motor wiůů be reƋuired to have a boating saĨety education course compůetion card on board when operating their watercraŌ. do register Ĩor the oating ^aĨety course, you must log on to We are not taking registration through MCPR. Date Time Location ^at. Mar. 9 8:00 a.m. ʹ 5:00 p.m. MC'C 20 | MONTGOMERY COUNTY PARK AND RECREATION’S “LEARN TO SKI AND BOARD” PROGRAM SKI ‘LEARN TO SKI AND SNOWBOARD’ PROGRAM – Skiing $148 & Snowboarding $208 ,ere is your chance to ůearn to ski or snowboard Ĩor an incredibůe price͊ Montgomery County Parks and Recreation has teamed up with tinterpůace ^ki Resort to oīer some great skiing and boarding opportunities this winter. zou get Įve sessions oĨ skiing or boarding with 90 minutes oĨ instruction each time you visit, aůong with eƋuipment ;incůuding shaped skis and top oĨ the ůine snowboardsͿ. zou can use the pass on ^undays, Mondays, duesdays, tednesdays, and dhursdays Ĩrom 3:00 tiůů cůose or whenever you have had enough turns, which ever comes Įrst. dhis is a Ĩuůů mountain pass. dhese sessions Įůů up Ƌuickůy͊ Půease caůů us at 540Ͳ382Ͳ6975 option 7 Ĩor more inĨormation. Eo skiing or boarding on hoůiday weekends. Registration deadůine is :an. ϭ4. Prices incůude eƋuipment rentaů, 90Ͳminute instruction and ůiŌ ticket Ĩor aůů 5 sessions. Date Time Location Course ^un., :an. 27 3:00 p.m. ʹ ϭ0:00 p.m. tinterpůace 6348 through end of season 540.382.6975 | 21 Family Events CANDY BAR BINGO – FREE Bingo is an old-fashioned game that never goes out of style. We will add a chocolate twist Ĩor our annuaů Vaůentine͛s ceůebration. ach participant brings two wrapped, Ĩuůů sinjed candy bars to be půaced in the prinje pooů. Participants are reƋuested to bring their Ĩavorite choco- ůate conĨection to share Ĩor reĨreshments. Registration deadůine is February 7. FR Date Time Location Course Mon, Feb ϭϭ 6:00 p.m. Meadowbrook >ibrary 6437 CELEBRATE NATIONAL KITE MONTH – $3 Apriů is Eationaů Date Time Location isset Park dues, Apriů 2 ϭϭ:00 a.m. SPRING CONCERT An enchanting aŌernoon oĨ music at the Meadowbrook >ibrary to ceůebrate spring with toodsongs. ^haron Conůyn, guitarist, and :im Robinson on the hammer duůcimer wiůů enter- tain you with acoustic Ĩoůk and Americana tunes. >ight reĨreshments wiůů be served. Půease pre-register so that appropriate arrangements can be made for refreshments. Date Time Location Course ^un, Apr ϭ4 2:00 p.m. Meadowbrook >ibrary 6455 CAKE PARTY – $15 A Ĩun, highͲenergy activity perĨect Ĩor tweens/teens ϭ2 and up. ach participant wiůů ůearn how to make homemade Ĩrosting, how to ůayer, deͲcrumb, tint coůors, make designs and write a message on a singůe ůayer cake that each can take home. Registration deadůine is April 10. Date Time Location Wed, April 17 6:00 p.m. Meadowbrook Community Center 22 | KIDS FISHING DAY – FREE ^ponsored by Montgomery County Parks and Recreation, Eationaů Forest ^ervice, and 'ame and /nůand Fisheries, 540.382.6975 | 23 Outdoor Programs DISC GOLF COURSE Montgomery County Parks Θ Recreation has a 38Ͳhoůe isc 'oůĨ course Ĩor you to enũoy. dhis is a very uniƋue course that consists oĨ wooded Ĩairways, with a variety oĨ eůevation changes. This course is the 5 th largest east of the Mississippi! dhe course is Ĩree to půay͖ aůů we ask is that you take out what you bring in. /Ĩ you have any Ƌuestions, give us a caůů at 540Ͳ382Ͳ6975, option 7. Before you play. . . The Rules: Throw a disc from tee to target over each hole of the course in the Ĩewest throws. ach throw aŌer the tee shot is addressed as a stroke Ĩrom the ůine oĨ the previous throw. Discs thrown over fencing or stuck in a tree at least six feet high are considered a penaůty stroke. Par Ĩor each ϭ9Ͳhoůe course is 57. Remember to yieůd to traiů users when crossing paths. Have fun and good luck! The Map: Foůůow the map through each ϭ9Ͳhoůe course Ͳ Golden Bear , lower course (blue line) or Black Bear , top course (green line) . The Scorecard: /Ĩ you want to make it competitive or you͛re ũust curious how you compare to those pro disc golfers, take a scorecard. 24 | SPRING ROCK CLIMBING – $30 onjoo, tV has some oĨ the nicest cůimbing in our area overůooking the beautiĨuů Eew River. This introductory class will teach you about safety, care of equipment, use of equipment and techniƋues oĨ cůimbing. Pack your ůunch and spend the day experiencing the outdoors͊ dhis course incůudes instruction, eƋuipment ;incůuding 5.ϭ0 cůimbing shoesͿ and transportation. Aůthough this is an intro course, it can bemodiĮed to Įt your needs and skiůů ůeveů. Registration deadline is Apr. 6 Date Time Location Course ^un., Apriů ϭ4 9:00 a.m. ʹ 5:00 p.m. oonjoo, tV 64ϭ6 SPRING NEW RIVER RAFT FLOAT – $35 that beƩer way to expůore the Eew River Vaůůey than a raŌ Ňoat down the river͍ dhis trip is designed as a ůaidͲback, reůaxing Ňoat with some exciting cůass //н rapids thrown in that wiůů bring you right into nature͊ ring your camera because there wiůů be půenty oĨ opportunities Ĩor that speciaů shot. Aůů eƋuipment is provided incůuding dry bags PF ͛s, paddůes, and paddůing ũackets. Pack your ůunch in your provided dry bag and we wiůů provide riverͲside snack Ĩor one oĨ the best picnics you wiůů ever have. Registration eadůine is May 25. Date Time Location Eew River Course ^at., :une ϭ 9:00 a.m. ʹ 5:00 p.m. 64ϭ7 SIT-ON-TOP KAYAKING TRIP – $30 (AGE 11+) ,ave you been on severaů raŌing trips and are ready Ĩor the next adventure͍ dhen a Montgomery County sit-on-top kayaking trip is just for you! This trip is for anyone who wants to get out on the river and experience the ease of maneuvering downstream, combined with stabiůity and a Ĩorgiving nature. te provide aůů gear, eƋuipment, shuƩůe and proĨessionaů instruction. Registration deadůine is May 5. Date Time Location Eew River Course ^un., May ϭ2 ϭ0:00 a.m. ʹ 5:00 p.m. 64ϭ8 SENIOR SIT-ON-TOP KAYAKING – $30 (50+) /Ĩ you ůove being out on the river on one oĨ our raŌing trips, but you want a ůiƩůe more Ĩreedom controůůing your own boat, then this new ^itͲKnͲdop Date Time Location Course Wed., May 8 9:00 a.m. ʹ 5:00 p.m. Carvins Cove 64ϭ9 540.382.6975 | 25 LET’S GO SNOW TUBING – $45 Ride the largest snow-tubing park in West Virginia at tinterpůace͊ :oin us Ĩor a ^aturday aŌernoon oĨ Ĩamiůy Ĩun. dhe snowͲtubing park has ϭ6 ůanes, 5 tubing ůiŌs and 600 snow tubes. ^ip hot chocoůate and take a break in Ĩront oĨ the huge naturaů stone Įrepůace. dhe ůodge oīers a variety oĨ sandwiches, burgers, hot dogs and more. Must be 44͟ in height to tube. Aduůt supervision required for ages 9 and under. Meet at Montgomery County 'overnment Center. Registration eadůine :an 25 Date Time Location Course ^at., Feb. 2 ϭ2:00 p.m. ʹ 6:30 p.m. tinterpůace 6420 MONTGOMERY COUNTY TREETOP ADVENTURE – $65 Ready Ĩor an adrenaůine kick͍ Virginia͛s newest ropes adventure course is ůocated in the Ĩorest canopy at Mountain >ake. Mountain >ake dreetop Adventures is a Ĩun way to get outside, chaůůenge yourseůĨ, and experience the exhiůaration oĨ cůimbing through the tree canopy and riding njip ůines through the Ĩorest. ^ky bridges, swings, rope ůadders and njip ůines oīer a range oĨ chaůůenges that are Ĩun Ĩor both the novice, the super adventure seeker and everyone in between! * Regardless of age, participants must weigh at least 40 lbs. and no more than 250 lbs., there are no exceptions. Registration deadůine is May 4. Date Time Location Mtn. >ake Course ^at., May ϭϭ 9:00 a.m. ʹ ϭ:00 p.m. 642ϭ HUNGRY MOTHER ZIP LINE TOUR – $65 Featuring the ůongest, highest, and Ĩastest njip ůine in the state oĨ Virginia, your njip trip wiůů be an adventure you͛ůů never Ĩorget. tith nearůy a miůe oĨ ůines through Įve sections, Ňying over vaůůeys and through the tree tops, this heart pounding excursion wiůů ůeave you wanting to go again and again͊ AŌer your aeriaů adventure enũoy ůunch at the Ĩamous ,ungry Mother ^tate Parks restaurant Ĩor soup, saůad, sandwiches, and wraps. >unch wiůů be on your own. Registration deadůine is May 29. Date Time Location Course ted., :une 5 8:00 a.m. ʹ 4:30 p.m. FM 8:30 a.m. ʹ 4:00 p.m. 'C ,ungry Mother 6427 ^tate Park 26 | Public Safety TRIAD S.A.L.T. COUNCIL dhe Christiansburg/Montgomery dR/A ^.A.>.d. ;^enior͛s and >aw nĨorcement torking dogetherͿ Counciů works on various proũects to beneĮt active oůder aduůts in the community. dhe counciů meets every third duesday oĨ the month at ϭ:30pm at the Christiansburg Recreation Center. dhe meetings are open to aůů who wish to aƩend. For additionaů inĨormation contact dammy Caůdweůů at 382Ͳ2349 or Date Time Location Course dues, Mar ϭ9 ϭ:30 pm ngůish Meadows ^enior >iving 6460 SHRED-A-THON – FREE ,eůp prevent identity theŌ and shred unwanted documents. Protect your important inĨormation and cůean out the cůuƩer. dhis is a drive thru event, no waůkͲups wiůů be aůůowed. Papers to be shredded are preĨerred to be in a půastic storage bin or box, no bigger than 22.5xϭ8xϭϭ.5 with a ůimit oĨ three per vehicůe. o no bring papers in půastic bags. For additionaů inĨormation contact dammy Caůdweůů at 382Ͳ6975 or emaiů: tcaůdweůů@ Date Time Location dues, Apr ϭ6 3:00 p.m. ʹ 6:00 p.m. Christiansburg Parks Θ Recreation 540.382.6975 | 27
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