MCC Member Directory 2022


I am Mark Woolwine, partner with Brown Edwards and your 2022 Board Chair for the Mont gomery County Chamber of Commerce. Since taking on this role, I have had the opportunity to work with remarkable local business leaders as your Cham ber continues to serve your needs. As we continue through 2022, we continue to advance our theme of ‘resilience’. This word high lights our ability to quickly recov er from difficulties or toughness. We know there are still challeng es ahead, however, our region is filled with brave leaders assisting those in need, making major de cisions about policy, delivering critical care, and shifting their business models in new and ex citing ways. You can find leaders all around us - in business, in government, in schools, in neighborhoods, in our families. Our capacity for resiliency takes large-scale co operation from these stakehold ers working together, applying everything we have learned to meet the needs and prepare for the future. We will have a lot of

work to do, but through this extraordinary collaboration, I am confident that this community, and your Chamber, will continue to be resilient. Our program of work in 2022 builds on our successes from previous years. Your Chamber has several committees that I en courage you to engage within the community. Our Business Resource Commit tee encourages support for the local economy through our Buy Local campaign #MyFootprint, Minority Business Accelerator programming, Women’s NEIGHBORHOODS, IN OUR FAMILIES. YOU CAN FIND LEADERS ALL AROUND US - IN BUSINESS, IN GOVERNMENT, IN SCHOOLS, IN

Mark Woolwine, 2022 Board Chair Brown Edwards & Company, L.L.P.

Leadership Conference, CASE (Chamber Accelerating Sales Exec utives and other programming to support business education. Our Talent and Education Com mittee will improve the talent pool in our community through early childhood educations, schools, higher education, and employee development and programs such as our 40 Under 40 recognition, Best Places to Work Recognition,


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