MCC Member Directory 2022
M ontgomery County is home to some of the country’s leading insti tutions. Virginia Tech offers a competitive education with over 150 majors to choose from. Or enroll in New River Com munity College, offering excep tional programs in occupational, technological, and business pro grams. NRCC offers both associ ate degrees and bachelor trans fer programs. We are also home to the Edward Via College of Osteopathic Med icine, also called VCOM. VCOM is a private, non-profit medical school located in Blacksburg, where students are dedicated to improving community health. Blacksburg is also home to the Virginia-Maryland College of Vet erinary Medicine, established in 1978. The vet college is home to over 700 veterinary students who treat over 80 thousand ani mals every year. Montgomery County Public Schools serves over 10,000 stu dents in grades pre-K through 12 at 19 different schools. The mission of MCPS is that every student will graduate career and college ready and will become a productive, responsible citizen. MCPS inspires learning by pro viding a nurturing environment, positive relationships, high ex pectations, and continuous growth. MCPS is an award-win ing and high achieving school district that focuses on engaging students in and building relation ships with students to better pro vide appropriate instruction.
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