MBSE with Genesys 120222

Capturing Design and Journey

Requirement (with problem)

generates (generated by)

Document (Trade Study)

documented by (documents)

refined by (refines)


results in (result of)

Requirement (Design Decision)

Color Code

Requirement Entity

Functional Entity

basis of (based on) or specifies (specified by)

Physical Entity

Interface Entity

Verification Entity

Other Entity

(solution entity)


A Recommended Workflow for Managing Concerns

1. Create a new Concern setting the Status to “Open” and accurately capturing the Importance 2. Complete some analysis to answer the concern (generally accomplished through a customer clarification or a trade study) 3. Create traceability to analysis using the documented by relationship 4. Document a Decision and Rationale from the analysis 5. Create new entity in the model that closes the Concern ( Concern results in ) 6. Change Concern Status to “Closed” 7. Connect the in the primary traceability flow



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