MBSE with Genesys 120222

Rename Requirements Groups

Number Original Name

New Name

Auto ‐ naming by the parser gives us a starting point, but we want to adjust the names for clarity

R.1 R.2


Operational Requirements


Specific Requirements (from all caps to title case)

Rename entities one of three ways: ribbon bar command, right ‐ click and select from context menu, or edit Name on the property sheet


Rename Requirements

Number Original Name

New Name

Auto ‐ naming by the parser gives us a starting point, but we want to adjust the names for clarity

R.1.1 Provide Continuous Real ‐ time Support To

Continuous Support

R.1.2 Be Unavailable No More Than Availability R.2.1 Accept Information Requests from Certified Accept Requests from Certified Customers R.2.2 Retain An Inventory Of Previously Retain Inventory and Provide Products R.2.3 Control Multiple Image Collectors And Control Multiple Collectors and Collector Types R.2.4 Be Staffed At A Maximum Maximum Staff R.2.5 Provide Feedback On The Customer’s Provide Feedback R.2.6 Provide A Means Of Prioritizing Prioritize Requests R.2.7 Monitor And Assess Its Own Monitor and Assess Performance

Rename entities one of three ways: ribbon bar command, right ‐ click and select from context menu, or edit Name on the property sheet



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