MBSE with Genesys 120222

Planning for Document Parsing

Each source document is different in its content and structure so plan the strategy for extracting requirements • Identify document passages where requirement statements cluster – why did the customer group certain requirements together? • Identify other classes involved in the extraction process • Plan to remove parsed requirement statements with empty descriptions and plan to “fill in” some empty descriptions with combined requirement statements (to create a “composite” requirement)


Opening the Document Parser 1. Select the Utilities ribbon tab 2. Click Document Parser

The document parser provides an integrated view of the desired document and parsing options 3. In the document parser ribbon, select Load Document 4. Select the source document GeospatialLibrarySourceDocument.docx 5. Click OPEN The parser natively supports files of type .docx, .doc, .htm, .html, .rtf, and .txt

C:\Program Files\Vitech\GENESYS ### Collaborative Edition\Samples\MBSE Student Files\GeospatialLibrarySourceDocument.docx



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