MBSE with Genesys 120222

Setting Requirements: Graphical Notation Objectives for Behavior To show behavior graphically, the notation must • Capture process flow and control • Capture observables • Be understandable (support information hiding and abstraction) • Be executable • Preserve behavior under • Decomposition • Aggregation • Allocation

Any system can be described as a “black box” that transforms inputs to outputs, AND any system can be decomposed as “black boxes”


Understanding Conditions for a Function to Execute • Execution • Before execution begins a function must be enabled and triggered, if a trigger is defined • Enablement • A function is enabled upon completion of the function prior to it in the construct • Triggers (a control concept) • An item that also provides a control role • Defined by the triggers relationship • Shown with double arrowhead on EFFBD and single arrowhead on activity diagram • Inputs (item flow concept) • An item that does not provide a control role • Defined by the input to relationship • Shown with single arrowhead on EFFBD and decorator <> on activity diagram An item may be a trigger for one function and an input to another function



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