MBSE with Genesys 120222

Why Do Systems Engineering: The Financial Case • Cope with complexity • Avoid omissions • Avoid invalid assumptions • Make informed, defensible decisions • Manage change • Design most efficient, economic, and robust solution • Achieve greater design control Project Phase Method 1 — Bottom ‐ Up Cost Method 2 — Total Costs Breakdown Method 3 — Top ‐ Down Hypothetical Project Requirements 1 x 1 x 1 x Design 8 x 3 ‐ 4 x 4 x Build 16 x 13 ‐ 16 x 7 x Test 21 x 61 ‐ 78 x 28 x Operations 29 x 157 ‐ 186 x 1615 x Source: Error cost escalation through the project life cycle ‐ NASA Johnson Space Center It is not hard to know when system engineering fails, because when something important goes wrong it usually makes the news fast. INCOSE


Enabling Project Success: The Motivation for SE

 Understanding the problem  Integrating the team  Defining the seams  Addressing the gaps  Guarding the why

Image Credit: Defense Acquisition University



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