MBSE with Genesys 120222

Defining Our Context-Level Connections The physical system context is both

composition and connection. We developed the composition using the BDD. We must define the connections to complete the physical system context. 1. If you viewed the BDD in the project explorer, click the “Physical Block” tab 2. If you opened the BDD as a separate window, click on “System Context” and select Physical Block from the Views ribbon The diagram reflects the composition we defined using the BDD. We can now add the connections between our system and the external systems.


Creating Our First Connection 1. Click and drag nodes to create some separation for the connections 2. Click “Geospatial Library” and shift ‐ click “Certification Authority” 3. Click Connect Nodes from the Diagram ribbon 4. Click New and name the Link “Certification Connection” 5. Click Close

We could drag ‐ drop “New Connection” from the toolbox on to “Geospatial Library” to create a new Link . We would then drag ‐ drop that line on to “Certification Authority” to connect the other end of the Link .



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