MBSE with Genesys 120222

Complementing – not Replacing – Approaches A SYSTEM is a whole that cannot be divided into independent parts without losing its essential characteristics as a whole. ANALYTIC THINKING applies an analytic method to separate a system down into its constituent parts. Analytic thinking attempts to explain the behavior of these parts, and then attempts to aggregate this understanding into an understanding of the whole SYSTEM THINKING considers problems and solutions in terms of how the interactions of the parts, and the parts with the whole and its environment, create the properties of the whole. Systems Engineers need to rethink their problem ‐ solving approach in general and innovation in particular– this is system thinking. For further information on systems thinking see The Fifth Discipline by Peter Senge and various publications from Russell Ackoff


When to Do Systems Engineering?

The System Life Cycle Model (ISO 15288)

SE focus in later stages centers on Operation, Maintenance, Sustainment

Highest level of SE intensity is concentrated in these phases

Utilization & Support Stage

Concept Stage

Development Stage

Production Stage

Retirement Stage

Lifecycle performance effects the next version

Systems engineering applies across all phases of the lifecycle



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