MBSE with Genesys 120222

Capturing the Key Attributes and Relationships for Our Second Concern 1. Open a property sheet and enter the attributes

2. Double ‐ click the results in relationship 3. Use New to create a new Requirement “Customer Certification Service” 4. Click OK and Close Remember the pattern for the Concern ’s Description. Repeat the source information for context then clearly state the problem. The way you state the question can influence the answer. The question “what constitutes a certified user?” might generate a different response.


Completing the New Child Requirement 1. Copy the Concern ’s Decision to serve as

the Description for the Requirement 2. Double ‐ click “Customer Certification Service” and paste the copied Decision into the Description field 3. Set the Origin to “Design Decision” 4. Enter the Rationale (this can be copied from the Concern ) 5. Double ‐ click the refines relationship 6. Select “R.2.1 Accept Requests from Certified Requests”, click Add , and Close 7. Close the property sheet for the child Requirement 8. Renumber Requirement “Accept Requests from Certified Customer” to “R.2.1”



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