MBSE with GENESYS thru Dec 2024

Modifying Requirement Group Import Table Definition for Requirement Import 1. Start with using the “Requirement Group Import” table definition. 2. Un ‐ check “Requirement Group” and check “Requirement” in the Class/Folder list 3. Set default class to “Requirement” 4. Change the seventh row a) Type = “Relationship Target” and Definition = “grouped by” 1. Default Target Class = “RequirementGroup” 5. Click Save As and name the table “Requirement Import” and Click OK 6. Click Load


Import Requirement Data 1. Switch to the Requirement sheet in Excel 2. Select the data in the table and copy it (Ctrl+C) 3. Switch to the Requirement Import sheet in Excel 4. Select Cell B2

5. Right Click and Select Paste Values 6. Enter “Operational Requirements” or “Specific Requirements” in Cells H2 thru H10 as appropriate During import this will relate the requirements to the requirement groups that were created in the previous step. 7. Click Publish Changes and when complete a dialog box appears 8. Click OK to close


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