MBSE with GENESYS thru Dec 2024
Associating Actors with the Use Cases Actors participate in the associated UseCases . We can use drag ‐ drop to establish these relationships. 1. Select the actor “Customer” 2. Hold the control key and drag ‐ drop on to “Deliver Image” 3. After dropping the actor, select participates in as the relationship
4. Complete the remaining associations a) “Customers” ‐ > “Assess Performance” b) “Customers” ‐ > “Certify User” c) “Collectors” ‐ > “Collect and Deliver New Product” d) “Certification Authority” ‐ > “Certify User” 5. Click the Pinned Project command button to add the diagram to the Pinned Project View List
Reviewing Our Completed Use Case Diagram
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