MBSE with GENESYS thru Dec 2024

Leveraging Use Cases: Key Aspects of the Metamodel

built from (built in)


describes (described by)

involves (participates in)

extended by (extends)

includes (included in)


elicits (elicited by)

elaborated by (elaborates)

Color Code

Requirement Entity

Functional Entity

refined by (refines)

decomposed by (decomposes)

Physical Entity

Interface Entity



Verification Entity

Other Entity


Defining SysML Use Cases

• Represent the highest level of abstraction for a system • Used to identify or discover requirements and system context • Describe a system’s requirement from an actor’s perspective (must provide observables to an actor) • Represents the interactions between the system and its external “actors” or components • Emphasizes functionality rather than control or timing—implicit is the discovery of functional requirements • Viewed by some as the easiest diagram to get wrong!* * Holt and Perry, SysML for Systems Engineering, 2008, p. 154


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