MBSE with GENESYS thru Dec 2024
Recall the Project Properties
External graphics path allows us to define a location to house graphic files and associate them with specific entities to enhance visualizations Supported graphic formats include: • BMP
Associating an Image with an Entity
The image associated with an entity is shown on the “Properties” tab of the property sheet 1. Double ‐ click on “Geospatial Library” to open its property sheet 2. Click the “Properties” tab 3. Click the " ... " button in the upper right of the “Node Image” graphic field 4. Select “Graphic File” radio button 5. Click the folder icon to browse for the graphic 6. Select “GeospatialSample\system.bmp” 7. Click Open to select the graphic and OK to close the dialog If a graphic image is desired and no graphic has been associated with the entity, it will use the image associated with the class (e.g., Component , etc.)
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