MBSE with GENESYS thru Dec 2024
Constraint Requirements specify the System Select the Requirement class in the Project Explorer panel
Remember that constraints limit our design options. Requirements of type “Constraint” specify the system. We can link constraints to our system using • a table definition • the project explorer (either one ‐ by ‐ one from each requirement or all at once from the system) For each constraint 1. Select the constraint Requirement and double ‐ click the specifies relationship 2. Select the Component “Geospatial Library”, click Add , and click Close
Managing Constraints – Two Approaches
Relate each Requirement to all applicable top ‐ level Components and manage budgeting via parameters
Each level of physical architecture has separate Requirements
specifies (specified by)
specifies (specified by)
Component (System)
Requirement [mass] (Originating)
Component (System) param[mass]=X(sys)
Requirement [mass] (Originating)
refined by (refines)
built from (built in)
built from (built in)
specifies (specified by)
Requirement [mass] (Derived/Segment)
Component (Segment)
Component (Segment) param[mass]=Y(segment)
built from (built in)
refined by (refines)
built from (built in)
specifies (specified by)
Component (CI) param[mass]=Z(CI)
Requirement [mass] (Derived/CI)
Component (CI)
Remember that Components are implementation requirement specifications
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