MBSE with GENESYS Oct 2023
Defining Behavior from Stimulus to Response, cont. To complete our behavior, we should specify the internal Item flow
1. Click “t1. Accept and Format Request” and shift ‐ click “t1. Get Product from Inventory” 2. Click Connect via Input and create Item “t1. Formatted Request” 3. Click “t1. Get Product from Inventory” and shift ‐ click “t1. Provide Product to Customer” 4. Click Connect via Input and create Item “t1. Inventory Product” 5. Ctrl ‐ drag ‐ drop “t1. product” on “t1. Provide Product to Customer” and select output from
Items flowing along a control flow line within a process are commonly defined as inputs
Renumbering Thread 1 – Product in Inventory To renumber the functions 1. Click in the background to ensure nothing is selected 2. Right ‐ click and select Renumber from the context menu 3. Enter “T.1” and click OK
With nothing selected, the renumber command operates on the root diagram object (in this case, “Thread 1 –Product in Inventory”)
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