MBSE with GENESYS Oct 2023
Opening the Behavioral System Context We want to close the Simulation Examples project (to avoid accidentally working in the wrong project) and look at the Geospatial Library behavioral context 1. Close all open windows other than the project explorer
2. From the application menu, select Close Project to close the Simulation Examples project 3. From the Home screen, open “Geospatial Library Class Project” 4. Select Component in the project explorer panel 5. Select “System Context” 6. Open the activity diagram (by view tab or Views ribbon)
Defining the Base Structure for the Behavior
Our system operates in parallel with the three external systems 1. Select the “Insert” tab in the toolbox 2. Drag ‐ drop “Parallel” on the main branch to insert the construct 3. Drag ‐ drop “Branch” on the parallel construct to add a third branch (you may need to scroll the “Insert” list) 4. Drag ‐ drop “Branch” on the parallel construct to add a fourth branch Double ‐ clicking the parallel construct is a shortcut for adding a branch
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