MBSE with GENESYS Oct 2023

Analyzing Requirement R.2.4 1. Select the Requirement class from the project explorer panel 2. Select “Maximum Staff” and review the Description

We are uncertain that we can satisfy this Requirement because of the many different types of tasks that may be required concurrently by the system. Therefore, we have an operational Risk . 3. Double ‐ click the causes relationship 4. Use New to create a new Risk “Staffing per Shift” 5. Click OK and Close 6. Double ‐ click “Staffing per Shift” to open its property sheet


Capturing Attributes for the Risk 1. Enter the critical attributes to reflect the initial state of the Risk

• The Description repeats the source information for context then clearly states the risk • Status indicates where this risk is in its lifecycle • Handling approach reflects the strategy to address the risk (reducing the consequence, likelihood of occurrence, or both) • Likelihood reflects the probability of occurrence • Consequence reflects the severity if the risk manifests itself

Risk Score and Risk Rating is not set manually (a script will automatically compute both)



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